Council Basketball Free Throw

St. Michael C.S.S. was the site of Council’s basketball free throw competition for the Catholic Elementary Schools on January 24. A boy and girl winner in each age group will advance to the District competition on Saturday February 18 in Kinkora.


Thanks to Lorne Twamley and Brothers Jim Hurley, John Saman, Jim Gaylor, Gerry Culligan, Ken Gaffney, John Price, Jim Miron, Shawn Raiman, and Fred Debrick.


Thank you

Thank you to Tony Vigar, Jim Kelly, Harry Visser, Tom Gould, Bernie Van Herk, Larry McCabe, Lorne Johnston, Jim Miron and Helen Goforth for preparing and serving at the community meal at St. Joseph’s church hall on January 19. 102 people were served.

Beacon Herald Phone Books

The Final Push January 14

It seemed like an easy way to raise funds back at the October meeting when Grand Knight John Price threw out the idea to deliver Beacon Herald phone books. It didn’t get going until early in December.Six weeks later after snow storms, rain, cold, and a break for Christmas, 12,000 books have been delivered. Thanks to all who helped: brother knights, spouses, relatives, children, grandchildren,friends, neighbours.



Please help our council fulfill its financial obligations by submitting your 2017 dues as soon as possible.



Please make cheque payable to…..



91 Earl Street., Stratford On N5A 6G4

Fraternally yours

Tony Vigar (519) 271-0797

Financial Secretary


Coming Events

Saturday Feb. 18 Regional BB Free Throw Kinkora
Tuesday Feb. 28 Shrove Tuesday 4:30 – 7:00 our hall
Sunday Mar. 12  2nd & 3rd Degree, Hanover
Monday Mar.  6  Council meeting  7:00 p.m.
Thursday Mar. 9, Taize Prayer Service, Immac’s.  7:00 p. m
Friday Mar. 10. Stations of the Cross lead by Knights 7:00 p.m. Immac’s
Monday Mar. 13, Knights Inc. 7:00  p.m., Knights exec. 7:45 p.m
Friday Mar. 17, Semi-annual Euchre party and roast beef dinner, 6:30 p.m.

Faithful Navigators Message

Sir Knights & Ladies:

The Lenten Season is fast approaching. Christ suffered for our sins, died & rose again.

Let us use this time during lent to reflect, pray, fast & help those less fortunate as we prepare ourselves for Easter. Our parish cluster provides us with additional service gatherings to help us. Let’s take advantage.

Our Lottery Eligibility submission has been approved. We now have to apply for a Lottery Licence, required to work at Bingo’s, funds from which are used for approved charities.

We can see that spring is coming, days are getting longer.

SK Dave Franks has booked Sunday April 02, 2017 for our Communion Breakfast at the Queens Inn.

At our next meeting we will be filling the position of Outer Sentinel.

Any Sir Knight that has not completed their Members Memorial Charity Donation Form, please do so. If you need a form contact John Price.

Let us pray for and contact Sir Knights & family members that are having health issues at this time.

Fraternally Yours

Jack Palleschi

Faithful Navigator

Coming Events

Friday Feb 17, 2017 Euchre Party 7PM (Hosts Ken Gaffney & Dave Wilby)

Monday Feb 27, 2017 Dinner Meeting Cocktails 6:30 PM, Dinner 7 PM

Friday Mar 10, 2017 Euchre Party 7PM (Hosts Larry McCabe & Dave Flegg)

Monday Mar 27, 2017 Assembly Meeting 7:30 PM

Sun Apr 02, 2017 Communion Breakfast. (10AM Mass & Brunch 11:45)

Message from your Chaplain


By the time that you receive this bulletin, we will be nearly through the Christmas holidays and the children and teachers will be returning to school. The Christmas season will soon be over.

I trust that everyone enjoyed the Christmas season and the magic like atmosphere which can exist at this time.

The nativity scene which captures our God becoming man in the person of Jesus, Emmanuel, keeps us focused. At Christmas, we recall that God’s reign is now, that Christ birth attests that God is now marching with us in history as Archbishop Romero said. Aspects like justice, love, peace are possible because the builder of these things is in our midst. What we say and what we do brings these characteristics to life. Meister Eckhart, a thirteenth century mystic wrote that we are all called to be mothers of God. “What good is it he says, if the eternal birth of the divine Son takes place unceasingly but does not take place within myself?” Every day could be Christmas if we allowed the Christ child to be born where we walk, where we talk, where we eat and drink, where we mix with people. Everywhere we go, Christ goes with us and is born again and again by what we say and do.

As we enter the new year, I would like to wish you and your families a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous new year.

Your Chaplain,

Fr. Dick Bester