Monthly Archives: January 2016



Note: Euchre is now on the third Friday of each month.

December 18th: Adam Gulikers and Jack Palleschi.

January 15th: Jeff Smith and Fred Dubrick.

February 19th: Ken Gaffney and John Price.

March 18th: Larry McCabe and Dave Flegg.

April 15th: Jim Kelly and Harry Visser.

May 20th: Hosts needed.

June 17th: Hosts needed.

Physician Assisted Death


John Price brought an issue to our attention regarding Physician Assisted Death, where not only is it possibly coming to our province, but also that the possibility of abuse if very real. To that end, there is a noted speaker from London who is willing to come to Stratford to speak on the dangers this situation brings.

For our part, Assembly 1866 will join with the Council to pay the costs of bringing this speaker in at a future date. Once the date has been confirmed I urge all members to try to attend.

4th Degree Coming Events

Date Description Comments
January 15, 2016 Euchre Jeff Smith and Fred Dubrick

January 25, 2016

Dinner Meeting


February 19, 2016


Ken Gaffney and John Price

February 22, 2016

Dinner Meeting


March 18, 2016


Larry McCabe and Dave Flegg

March TBA

No meeting: Easter is March 27

Communion Breakfast in March

April 15, 2016


Jim Kelly and Harry Visser

April 25, 2016

Dinner Meeting


May 20, 2016


Hosts needed

May 24, 2016

Dinner Meeting

Note: this is a Tuesday

June 17, 2016


Hosts needed

June 27, 2016

BBQ Social


Message from your Chaplain


Dear Brother Knights,

As we look out the window and the January snows, we know that winter has arrived. I trust everyone had a good Christmas season with families and friends. We have now entered the season of Ordinary Time in our liturgical year. During Ordinary Time, the Church celebrates the fullness of the mystery of the Lord Jesus.

On the first day of the week, the Lord’s Day, God assembles the beloved people to hear the Word, to reflect upon it, to offer the living sacrifice of praise, and to eat and drink the banquet of the Lord. Then God sends us forth to proclaim this love by our words and actions.

Sunday is the original Christian Feast Day, following the tradition handed down from apostolic times, for this was the day of the Lord’s resurrection. Today, our Christian community, along with other Christian communities continue, this tradition by celebrating every Sunday as the day of the risen Lord.

I would like to remind everyone of the upcoming evening on February 17, on Physician Assisted Suicide from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in St. Joseph’s Church Hall. I hope as many as possible will attend this evening.

As we enter into the New Year, may it be filled with many blessings for you and your families. Thank you for all that you do for the Church and the wider community.

Your Chaplain,

Fr. Dick Bester

Grand Knight’s Message


Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

I trust that everyone had a peaceful Christmas and now you are back in a more normal routine.

At our January Council Meeting we discussed upcoming events, some of which are reflected in this bulletin.

One topic in particular I want to bring to your attention is Physician Assisted Death. I am sure that some of you are aware of the ruling from the Supreme Court of Canada and pending legislation expected to be tabled this year. Physician Assisted Death is already occurring in some European and other countries. Our Clustered Parish with support from our CWL & Knights have arranged to provide a speaker, Alex Schadenberg, to make a presentation.

It will take place on Wed. Feb. 17th at St Joseph’s Church Hall starting at

7 pm. This will be a very informative night and I urge you to attend.

We also reviewed our proposed 2016 Charities Budget, disbursement vs anticipated revenue. It shows a shortfall of $2,500. We need to find some projects to raise this money or reduce amount given to charities which we don’t want to do.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price

Sick and Shut-ins


Our prayers are requested for the following Knights who are either sick or shut in:

Brothers Gary Birmingham, Clarence White, Father Richard Tremblay, Harry Thomas, Eugene Hagen, Ernie Walsh, Al Grant, Marco Eusebi, Adrian Theijsmeijer, Ron Bourque, Dave Murtha, and Bob Skinner.

Also for Theresa Kelly, Debbie Mahood, Fran Culliton, Shirley Reeve, Anne Ryan-Murphy, Henrika Van Beek, Abigail Gregory-Mooney, Betty Dubrick and Lorraine Minten (daughter of Br. Rob Scott).

Appreciation Dinner


Sunday January 31, 2016 At 5:00 pm

Come out with your family for a turkey and ham dinner prepared by brother Knights.

Cost is FREE for members and $10 for spouses and children over 12 years old. Cost for children between 5 and 12 years old is $5 and pre-school children are free. Contact Tony Vigar, Harry Visser, Larry McCabe, Frank Flood or Ken Gaffney to reserve your seats.

80 seats available so reserve early

Message from Vocations Director


Dear brother Knights,

The month of January brings to a close the Christmas season, with the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord, and those famous words that our Heavenly Father spoke when Jesus arose from the waters of the Jordan: “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” The baptismal grace of sonship (becoming sons of God), and being freed from original sin, bestows upon us our fundamental vocation in life – to become truly a son of God, means that we are called to holiness. We are called to become saints, which is the fulfillment of our relationship with God our Father. Yet, this grace carries with it tremendous responsibility. If my fundamental and most basic relationship in life is that of a beloved son of God – what difference does this identity make in my life? Does it change the way I speak? Does it influence the way I spend my time? Would my co-workers, and other friends, know that I see myself as a beloved son of God in the witness of my life? These are challenging questions indeed, and we will spend a lifetime working them through – but always with the help of God’s grace. As we begin this Year of Mercy, proclaimed by Pope Francis, let us allow the merciful gaze of the Father to bring to our minds and hearts once again, the fact that we are His beloved sons. This is our vocation!

Fr. Patrick Beneteau

Director of Vocations and Seminarians

Diocese of London