Welfare Trust

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of KILROY COUNCIL 1431 CHARITABLE WELFARE TRUST will be at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 93 Morgan Street, Stratford Ontario during the regular Council meeting on May 1, 2017 at 7:00 pm.

We remind everyone that we can issue a taxable receipt for any donation which is deposited to the Welfare Trust Account. When making an In Memoriam donation at the funeral home, please consider the Charitable Welfare Trust. Donations made by cheque are to be payable to “KILROY COUNCIL 1431 CHARITABLE WELFARE TRUST

Repeat Champion



You will recognize the face. His name is Gustin Soriano. Last year we celebrated his winning the Regional and Provincial Free Throw Basketball Championship.

He has done it again. Gustin captured the boys 11 year old Regional Free Throw Championship at the competition in London on March 4. Well done Gustin.

Coming Events

April 21-23 Ontario State Convention

Monday May 1 Council meeting 7:00 p.m.

Thursday May 4, Day of Prayer, Immaculate Conception, 8:00 a.m., assisted physician death

Monday May 8, Knights Inc 7:00 p.m.; Council Exec. 7:45 p.m

Wednesday May 10 Boston Pizza, proceeds to Sick Kids Foundation

Saturday May 13, 5:00 p.m. Fr. Ross Campbell Mass Immaculate Conception Church

Sunday May 14, Rose Sunday

Monday June 5 Council meeting 7:00 p.m.

Friday June 2, Relay for Life Survivor Walk SCSS, Food by Knights

Thursday June 8, Steak BBQ, 5:00 p.m. our hall

Monday June 12, Knights Inc 7:00 p.m.; Council Exec. 7:45 p.m.

Sunday September 10, St. Anthony’s annual Mass 2:00 p.m.

Sunday September 17, Walk-a-Thon fundraiser

Faithful Navigators Message

Sir Knights & Ladies,

Easter is the greatest feast in our Liturgical Year. We are all thankful that Jesus died & rose again for our sins, but as humans we come up short on our promises to him. Let us ask for forgiveness & try to do better.

Our Spring Communion Brunch numbers were down. Those that could attend enjoyed the meal and fellowship. Thanks to Dave & Joan Franks for organizing and the SK’s that assisted in the Ministries during The Mass.

We have received a licence to run “Bingos”. All profits from the bingos will go to our parish cluster. The six months schedule has been issued and we have 10 bingos (ref. attached). Our 1st Bingo is a matinee Sunday Apr 23rd. Those who can assist working bingos please contact Larry McCabe or John Price.

Ross Campbell, a member of our council, will be Ordained to the Priesthood. His 1st Mass will be at Immaculate Conception Church on Sat May 13th 5:00 p.m..

As mentioned in the last newsletter, we will provide two “Honour Guards” Sunday June 4th Confirmation & Sunday June 11th Dedication St. Joseph’s Church. (Also may be requested for Fr. Ross Campbell’s Mass on May 13th.)

Our next Dinner Meeting will be on Monday May 24th. At this meeting there will be executive nominations for upcoming term.

Fraternally Yours

Jack Palleschi

Faithful Navigator


Upcoming Events

Friday April 21, 2017 Euchre Party 7p.m. (Host Howard Culligan)

Sunday April 23, 2017 Bingo Matinee 1 p.m.

Monday April 24, 2017 Dinner Meeting Cocktails 6:30 p.m., Dinner 7 p.m.

Friday May 12, 2017 Euchre Party 7p.m. (Host John Price)

Sunday May 13, 2017 Bingo 5 p.m.

Sunday May 28, 2017 Bingo 5 p.m.

Monday May 29, 2017 Dinner Meeting Cocktails 6:30 p.m., Dinner 7 p.m.

Sunday June 4, 2017 Honour Guard Confirmation St. Joseph’s 2 p.m.

Sunday June 4, 2017 Bingo 5 p.m.

Sunday June 11, 2017 Honour Guard Dedication St. Joseph’s 11:30 a.m.

Monday June 26, 2017 BBQ Dinner 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday June 27, 2017 Bingo 5 p.m.

Bingo Schedule

Please volunteer to help out!

Sun Apr 23 Matinee 1 p.m. Start

Sun May 13 Regular 5 p.m. Start

Sun May 28 Regular 5 p.m. Start

Sun June 04 Regular 5 p.m. Start

Tues June 27 Regular 5 p.m. Start

Fri July 07 Regular 5 p.m. Start

Thur. July 20 Regular 5 p.m. Start

Sat. Aug 12 Regular 5 p.m. Start

Sun Sept 03 Matinee 1 p.m. Start

Sat. Sept 30 Regular 5 p.m. Start

Message from your Chaplain

We are well into Lent and I hope that your Lenten disciplines are going well. I want to thank you for leading the Stations of The Cross on March 10 even though we were back to winter when they were celebrated. These Stations of the Cross have inspired millions for centuries.

Over the next few weeks, our Gospels for Sundays will be dealing with the theme of baptism as the catechumens are preparing for baptism, and each of us is preparing to renew our baptismal promises. When we are baptized, each of us has a threefold role to play in our response to our baptismal call. We are to be prophets, priests and kings. These three groups of people were anointed before they began their public ministry in Sacred Scripture.. Christ himself was baptized before He began his public ministry. Through this Lenten season, we not only need to reflect on our baptism, but also to make this first sacrament of initiation into the life of the Church part of our way of living by doing the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.

The many good works that you do as Knights, and the many charities that you support are signs that you have taken your baptism seriously. Thank you.

May we continue to support each other through the remaining time of Lent.

Your Chaplain,

Fr. Dick Bester

Grand Knight’s Message

Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

I trust that you have made good use of the Lenten material and readings that help us prepare for the churches greatest feast, Easter. Many of us has likely slipped in our penitential practices, but don’t let that be a reason to give up. There is still plenty of opportunity as we approach the middle of the Lenten Season.

We have a new Field Agent, Fraternal Advisor Dev S. Bhagwat. Dev resides in Waterloo. He can be reached at dev.bhagwat@kofc.org or 519 888 0869. Our council has been added to his territory. Jay Nelligan has been re-assigned.

Br. & SK Tony Vigar has decided to reduce his work load. He has submitted his resignation as Financial Secretary effective June 30, 2017. He has held this position since 2005. Tony will still be very active within our council.

The Basketball Competition was completed with the Regionals in London on March 4th. You may recall that last year Gustin Soriano from St Joseph’s School was the declared the Provincial 10 year old boy’s champion. Well he won the Regional 11 year old boys this year.

Our next Boston Pizza Night will be Wed. May 10th with proceeds going to Sick Kids Foundation.

To aid in our commitment to the Fr. O’Rourke Window two more Fundraisers are under way;

A Food Booth at The Canada Day Celebrations July 1st and A Walk a Thon on Sunday Sept. 17th.

More information will follow.

Finally, I want to acknowledge the Brothers that made our Shrove Tuesday a success and all who provided Pallbearer Service requested by Young’s Funeral Home.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price

Sick and Shut-ins

Our prayers are requested for the following Knights who are either sick or shut in:

Brothers Gary Birmingham, Father Richard Tremblay, Harry Thomas, Eugene Hagen, Al Grant, Marco Eusebi, Ron Bourque, Frank Flood, Dave Franks, Michael Gomes, and Frank Krauskopf.

Also for Theresa Kelly, Debbie Mahood, Shirley Reeve, Anne Ryan-Murphy, Abigail Gregory-Mooney, Betty Dubrick, Lorraine Minten, Mary Lou Palleschi and Shirley Reeve.