Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:
I trust that everyone had a peaceful Christmas and now you are back in a more normal routine.
At our January Council Meeting we discussed upcoming events, some of which are reflected in this bulletin.
One topic in particular I want to bring to your attention is Physician Assisted Death. I am sure that some of you are aware of the ruling from the Supreme Court of Canada and pending legislation expected to be tabled this year. Physician Assisted Death is already occurring in some European and other countries. Our Clustered Parish with support from our CWL & Knights have arranged to provide a speaker, Alex Schadenberg, to make a presentation.
It will take place on Wed. Feb. 17th at St Joseph’s Church Hall starting at
7 pm. This will be a very informative night and I urge you to attend.
We also reviewed our proposed 2016 Charities Budget, disbursement vs anticipated revenue. It shows a shortfall of $2,500. We need to find some projects to raise this money or reduce amount given to charities which we don’t want to do.
Your Grand Knight
John J. Price