Category Archives: Grand Knight Message

Grand Knight’s Message

Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

I am sure by now everyone knows that a member of our council was ordained to the Priesthood on May 6, 2017. Congratulations to Fr. Ross Campbell for your vocation to the priesthood which will benefit so many individuals.

My term as this councils Grand Knight is coming to an end and I wish to thank everyone for their guidance and support. Also to my wife Donna for her patience and understanding.

I also thank our Grand Knight elect Ken Gaffney for accepting his nomination, as well as the other new members of the Executive that accepted their nominations.

Br. Martin Switzer recently obtained his 2nd & 3rd Degrees. Andrew Fraiser who just moved into the area recently received his 1st degree and we also have 4 transfers into our council Andrew Crowley, Dave Crowley, Cory James Wege and Ron Bokkers.

Our next large fundraiser is the annual Steak BBQ on Thursday June 8th. Format same as previous years, Tickets are same $ 20.00. Your attendance makes this a successful event. Several members have tickets – Tony Vigar, Harry Visser, Larry McCabe, Joe Lorentz, myself.

There are some upcoming events that require your participation. When contacted by a committee person lend your assistance if the date is not conflicting for you.

Friday June 2nd – Relay for Life BBQ & serving;

Thursday June 15th — Community Meal prepare, serve & cleanup;

Sunday July 2nd – Clustered Parish Picnic BBQ & serving.

At our last council meeting Br. Lorne Twamley was collecting pledges as he will be walking in the Relay for Life. Lorne will be pleased to add your name. There are also some other brothers walking that will gratefully take a pledge.

Bingo workers are needed. The 4th Degree has also received a license. This requires additional members to man the bingos. It is much easier than previously, sell the cards & pay out the prize money. Contact John Price or Larry McCabe.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price

Grand Knight’s Message

Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

As I am writing this message we are entering the “Easter Triduum” a time to reflect on the passion and death of Jesus Christ only to rise on Easter the greatest feast in our Liturgical Year.

As Christians we are still being challenged in our faith. One of these challenges is Physician Assisted Death.

Our cluster is holding a day of Palliative Care Prayer at Immaculate Conception Church on Thur. May 4th starting with the 8 a.m. Mass. Please make an effort to participate. The Knights will lead in the Rosary which will be at 11 a.m., one of many prayers selected for this day. Also we will have some speakers give us a talk on this subject. Refer to an upcoming church bulletin for more details.

Deacon Ross Campbell, a member of our council, will be ordained to the Priesthood on May 6th. He will be celebrating the 5 a.m. Mass on Sat. May 13 at Immaculate Conception Church with a reception and presentations following in the parish hall. I urge you to attend. It is not often that we get a chance to partake in something as wonderful as this.

Rose Sunday will be weekend of May 13 & 14. The Knights will be at the church doors. Proceeds go to support our local Stratford and District Right to Life.

Once again we will be preparing & serving food at the Rely Lay for Life on Friday June 2nd. Please keep this date open to assist. Harry Visser is our contact person.

Harry Visser has some open dates in December for Hall Rentals. Any members wanting to rent hall contact Harry.

Our next Boston Pizza Night is Wed. May 10th. Come out & support. Proceeds are for Sick Kids.

Our new field agent Dev (Dave) Bwagwat was at our last council meeting and spoke. His intentions are to partake in our fund raising events & get to know members & their family. He commented on how vibrant our social is following the meeting.

Donna and myself wish everyone a holy and joyous Easter.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price

Grand Knight’s Message

Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

I trust that you have made good use of the Lenten material and readings that help us prepare for the churches greatest feast, Easter. Many of us has likely slipped in our penitential practices, but don’t let that be a reason to give up. There is still plenty of opportunity as we approach the middle of the Lenten Season.

We have a new Field Agent, Fraternal Advisor Dev S. Bhagwat. Dev resides in Waterloo. He can be reached at or 519 888 0869. Our council has been added to his territory. Jay Nelligan has been re-assigned.

Br. & SK Tony Vigar has decided to reduce his work load. He has submitted his resignation as Financial Secretary effective June 30, 2017. He has held this position since 2005. Tony will still be very active within our council.

The Basketball Competition was completed with the Regionals in London on March 4th. You may recall that last year Gustin Soriano from St Joseph’s School was the declared the Provincial 10 year old boy’s champion. Well he won the Regional 11 year old boys this year.

Our next Boston Pizza Night will be Wed. May 10th with proceeds going to Sick Kids Foundation.

To aid in our commitment to the Fr. O’Rourke Window two more Fundraisers are under way;

A Food Booth at The Canada Day Celebrations July 1st and A Walk a Thon on Sunday Sept. 17th.

More information will follow.

Finally, I want to acknowledge the Brothers that made our Shrove Tuesday a success and all who provided Pallbearer Service requested by Young’s Funeral Home.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price

Grand Knight’s Message

Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

Ordinary Time is coming to a close. The Lenten Season begins on Ash Wednesday March 1. Let us use this time to reflect on our spiritual life as we grow in our faith. Each Friday during lent our parish cluster has the Station of the Cross Prayer Service where we come together and pray remembering Christ’s Suffering for our sins. The Knights will lead the Prayer Service on Friday March 10th.

As a prelude to lent we are having another Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at our hall from 4:30 until 7 PM. Come out enjoy the comradery and support this fundraiser.

Our Basketball Free Throw Council Level was well attended despite having to be rescheduled due to weather. Thanks to Br. Lorne Twamley for chairing this event and arranging sponsorship for the refreshments. Winners will now advance to the District Competition.

At our Community Kitchen we severed over 100 people.

Our Appreciation Dinner was enjoyed by all those who attended.

Our Boston Pizza Night had a less than anticipated turnout, however a $ 570 profit was realized.

Tickets are now on sale for our Spring Roast Beef Dinner & Euchre Party to be held on Friday March 17th at the hall. Cost for a great evening is $16.00. The Dinner starts at 6:30 PM

Any Brother that hasn’t taken their 2nd or 3rd degree has any opportunity to receive both on Sunday March 12, 2017 in Hanover. Transportation will be provided, however names must be submitted by March 05, 2017. For Additional information contact Ken Gaffney.

Finally I want to acknowledge the efforts of the Brothers & family members that delivered the phone books and to Paul Gras for allowing us to store them at his place as the hall could not handle the volume. These efforts raised over $ 3000.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price

Grand Knight’s Message:

Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

After celebrating Christ’s Birth at Christmas the Church is now in Ordinary Time. Let us use this time to stop & listen in our prayers and be guided in what our Lord is calling us to do.We had a successful year which enabled us to meet our charitable commitments donating over $22,000.

Our Council has made another Pledge $50,000 to refurbish the Fr. O’Rouke Window. This will require a lot of volunteer hours over the next five plus years. The delivery of the Beacon Herald Phone Books is a good start. Thanks to all those who have braved the elements to deliver these books. We are almost complete. Another Walk A Thon is being planned for later this year. Proceeds will go to the pledge.

We had another successful Christmas Ham Sale which resulted in a profit of $ 935.00 Thanks for the support.

Jim Gaylor reported at our council meeting that The State Charities Ticket sales got off to a great start by selling 109.3 books at the mall over the Christmas Season. This is a terrific start towards our goal of selling 250 books. Let’s support Br. Jim in his goal by taking a book or two to sell.

Our next Boston Pizza Night is Wednesday Feb 1, 2017. Come out and support. See Mike Lobsinger for tickets. Proceeds are for Youth Soccer.

A Knights’ Appreciation Dinner is being held on Sunday Jan 29th starting at 5 PM. Members come out and enjoy a free Dinner. Guests can dine for $ 10.00.

We were requested to provide Pall Bearers for Cory Ruijs Funeral Mass. Thanks to the brothers that provided this service.

Again this year we will start Lent with a Shrove Tuesday Meal prepared by the Knight’s at our hall 4:30 until 7 PM. Come out and enjoy.

We have a number of Brothers that do not have their 2nd or 3rd degrees. Both Degrees are being held on Sunday March 5, 2017 at Hanover. Contact Ken Gaffney for more information.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price

Grand Knight’s Message


Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

We are entering the Christmas Season where as Christians we celebrate the Birth of Christ. Charity is one of our principles, so let us remember this principle during the Christmas Season. Also let’s say “Merry Christmas” to people.

Once again our lord has called home another Brother & Sir Knight Franz Ebner. Thanks for being there at his prayer service & mass of resurrection. It was a great turnout and showed how much we appreciated all the work that Franz did. We will truly miss him as will his family.

As mentioned in our last bulletin we took on another fundraiser, delivering the Beacon Herald Phone Books. The books have arrived and we need assistance from our members to complete this project. Make it a family event. Please contact myself to assist.

Thanks for supporting our Christmas Ham Sales fundraiser. Once again Harry Visser topped the list of sellers.

Our State Charities Lottery Tickets have arrived 250 books. Once again we will be selling at the Mall. Please support Br. Jim Gaylor when he contacts you to sell books or help at the Mall.

For those wondering Br. Joe Lorentz will be hosting a New Year’s Eve Pot Luck at the hall again this year. Come out and have a great time.

On behalf of my wife Donna and myself, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price

Grand Knight’s Message


Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

Our liturgical year is coming to an end, but with it comes a new celebration Advent which begins our new liturgical year and prepares us for Christ’s birth at Christmas. Let us use the Advent season to remind us that we need to help those that are less fortunate.

Brothers we have taken on a new fundraising project that requires your involvement. We are delivering the Beacon Herald Phone Books to residential homes in Stratford. The city is divided into 32 routes totaling 12,500 books. These books are scheduled to arrive on Dec 9th. Please contact myself if you are able to help deliver these books. It can be a family event. This project will add $3,000 to our charity account. We are setting up captains to cover areas throughout the city.

Our Boston Pizza night was a success. Monies raised goes into our charity account. A cheque was issued to Kiwanis/CJCS Christmas Basket Fund. Thanks to the brothers & Kiwanis that supported this night.

As mentioned in our past bulletins we now have various fraternal activities at our monthly meetings. Our December meeting will start at 6 PM with a dinner of pulled pork on a bun with trimmings. This will be followed by our meeting. We will give Joe Lorentz a night off.

It’s not too late to place an order of Hams, Summer-sausage or Pepperettes. Call me or put your name on the order foams at the church. If you wish tickets for our Christmas Turkey Dinner on Friday December 9th let me know by December 2nd latest.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price

Grand Knight’s Message

Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

The church celebrates All Saints Day Nov 1st & All Souls Day Nov 2nd.

On November 2nd there will be a Memorial Service in which Our Parish Cluster provides us a place and time to remember our loved ones that have gone to their eternal home, and use this as a time of comfort. The Service will be at Immaculate Conception Church 7p.m. I urge you to come out and support family & friends. This service encompasses The Knights of Columbus, The Catholic Women’s League from both Parishes and The Bereavement Ministry Committee.

In last month’s bulletin I mentioned that we were looking at making some changes for our council meetings. At the October Council Meeting it was agreed to start the meetings at 7 PM. The attendance prize will be discontinued and those funds will be used for Fraternal Activities following

During the Ontario State Convention held in April this year Resolution # 11 was passed. (Resolution # 11 to Increase Per Capita by $3.00). We have discussed this at our executive meetings and have resolved to increase our dues to $ 45.00 effective Jan 1, 2017. Any member having already paid

$ 42.00 for their 2017 dues or do so by December 31, 2016 will be issued a membership card for the 2017 calendar year.

Our Membership Committee is actively working on holding a 1st Degree. If you know of any potential men that should be approached notify Mike Mooney or myself.

Once again we will be selling Christmas Hams, summer-sausage & pepperettes. More to follow.

The Knight’s Christmas Turkey Dinner & Social will be held on Friday

Dec. 9th. Some Brothers have inquired about getting a Knight’s Polo Shirt. Dave Nickel will hold the cost if he gets an order for at least 6 shirts. If interested contact me.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price

Grand Knight’s Message


I was pleased to see a few different faces at our September Council Meeting. Our new Field Agent Jay Nelligan was at the meeting. He gave us a brief outline of his service with the Knights & in the Insurance business.

One of the topics discussed at the meeting is a Membership Recruitment Team. Mike Mooney has agreed to be the chairperson which is in the process of finalization. Jay Nelligan will be part of the team. Our council membership is below 170, of which 20 are fifty or younger.

We also issued a cheque to St. Joseph’s Restoration for $3,500 completing our $50,000 pledge.

Once again God has called home another brother, Bob Skinner. His Prayer Service & Funeral Mass was very well attended. Believe me when I say our presence is most appreciated by the family.

This past week was the annual Shriners Social & Corn Roast. It was very well attended. Their donation to the Knights is appreciated. The annual St. Anthony’s Mass was held Sept 11th. The Knights aided in the church clean-up and provided refreshments. The Church was full. Fr. David posted some pictures on Facebook.

At our September executive meeting we discussed changing our council meetings a little. Several ideas were presented. Commencing with the October Meeting, previous meeting minutes will be distributed prior to the meeting, they will be e-mailed to our distribution list, with printed copies available prior to the meeting. These minutes will not be read at the meeting. There will be an opportunity for corrections, followed by a motion to accept the minutes. Change the start time to 7 p.m. had positive consideration. This will allow additional time for fraternal activities after the meeting. This proposal will be discussed at our October meeting. The October meeting start time is 7:30 p.m.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price

Grand Knight’s Message


Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

What can I say, our summer has gone by so quickly. Thanks to all the brothers who participated in our activities over the summer; The Community Meal in June chaired by Jim Kelly, Barbequing for the Parish Swim/Picnic, and the closing of The Bible Camp. Barbequing for these events was easier using the BBQ lent from St. Mike’s high school, much appreciated. We also provided some pallbearers for a deceased parishioner’s mass of resurrection.

As mentioned on previous occasions it’s the same few brothers who organize & work at our various council events. These brothers need your help. Don’t wait to be approached, volunteer for one of our many activities. If you are approached consider this as an opportunity to get involved, the reason you joined the Knight’s. If other commitments prevent you from a requested activity say not now but I can help out at other functions. Our weekly Thursday Breakfasts are back starting Sept 8th 8:30AM at Immaculate Conception Church. Talk to your group at morning coffee about coming out to support this event.

In September we will look at making our final payment towards our $50,000 pledge to St. Joseph’s Restoration Fund. We have been approached to make a pledge towards the cost of a window restoration. Before we commit we need ideas on how we can fund this project. We can do another Walk-A-Thon but that will only get us part way. Need some new ideas. Would you be willing to be on a committee? I know this GK message brings up the same old things, but stop and think why you are a Brother Knight. Also try to come out to our monthly council meetings, meet some of your fellow Knight’s.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price

Grand Knight’s Message


Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

We have had a busy month, cooking at Relay for Life, Our Steak BBQ & The Community Kitchen. I want to thank everyone who participated in making these events a success. Jim Gaylor has captured some of the events in this bulletin.

In July while there is no Council Meeting we still have committed to Barbequing at a couple of events. On Sunday July 3rd the annual Cluster Swim (4 til 5) & Picnic will be held at St. Joseph’s & the Knights get to show their BBQ skills. I urge everyone to come out. It will also be an opportunity to say farewell to Fr. Seejo John, his last day in our cluster.

We also will BBQ for the Bible Camp on Friday July 29th for their closing.

At the Regional Basketball Free Throw Gustin Soriano, from St Joseph’s School, won the 10 year old boys competition. All winners’ scores are forwarded to State. With his score of 23 out of 25 at the Regional combined with Council & District scores Gustin is the Provincial 10 Year Old Boys Winner. He now has a Provincial Trophy for a keepsake. Congratulations Gustin.

This is the last bulletin before summer break. I want to express my thanks to everyone who has made this year memorable for myself & Donna.

You’re Grand Knight

John J. Price

Grand Knight’s Message


Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

As I am writing this message we just celebrated Christ’s Ascension into Heaven, after completing his father’s will to save mankind by his death & resurrection.

We also celebrated Mother’s Day. On behalf of all our “Brothers” I want to thank all the Mothers who work tirelessly for our families. In conjunction with this, we held our Right to Life Drive. Thanks to the brothers that manned the “Rose Sunday Boxes” at the church doors. All proceeds are given to Stratford Right to Life.

I also want to again thank the Brothers that worked hard to make our Past Grand Knight’s Dinner & St. Joseph’s Restoration Fund a success.

Our Lord called his faithful servant Deacon Mark Stagg home. The work he did for our community, when his health permitted, was ever so much appreciated. Other Brothers also lost loved ones. Know that our thoughts and prayers are for you & your family at this most stressful time.

For Brothers and family members with health issues we offer daily prayers that you find solace and comfort through our lord.

Grand Knight

John J. Price

Grand Knight’s Message


Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

This past week our council has encountered an array of emotions.

Prior to our April Council Meeting we conducted a 1st Degree with 4 new men joining the Knight’s, one from our council. Welcome Br. Martin Switzer. It was also gratifying that a significant number of brothers came out to be part of this degree.

I want to congratulate brothers Micheal Mooney & Sal Mareno. On April 10th I witnessed along with other brothers from our council them receiving their 2nd & 3rd Degrees. (There were 43 receive their 2nd & 52 their 3rd)

However we are saddened by the passing of Brother Carmine Costanzo on April 9th. He was a 25 year member active in our council until the last few years. Our condolences go out to his wife Mirella and their family. Once again thanks to those that attended his Prayer Service as we do for all of our deceased brothers.

A few events to keep in mind:

Past Grand Knight’s Dinner is Sunday April 24th.

On May the 1st, we will be cooking a Brunch on behalf of St. Joseph’s Restoration. This will take place after the 11:30AM Mass in the church hall, There will be a free will offering.

Mother’s Day is May 8th. It is also our Right to Life Rose Sunday. We will be at the church doors prior & after masses. When contacted please offer you services.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price

Grand Knight’s Message


Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

We are about to celebrate the most solemn time in our Church Year “The Easter Triduum”. I urge you to attend the services for Christ’s Passion, Death & Resurrection.

We lost another Brother Adrian Theijsmeijer. Thanks to those that attended his Prayer Service & Mass of Resurrection. Also thanks to those that were at The Knight’s led Stations of the Cross. The presentation on Physician Assisted Death was also well attended.

The Hospital was at our hall prior to this month’s council meeting for picture taking in recognition of our donation to the hospital of $100,000. More details in the bulletin. Last month I mentioned purchasing Polo Shirts with Knight’s Crest embroidered on. Some wanted Black vs the colour True Royal. Both colours are available. I have some sample sizes for anyone wishing to order. Cut of order date is March 26th, contact myself.

We are holding a Dinner on April 24th to recognize our Past Grand Knight Dave Wilby. Contact Ken Gaffney or myself re attendance. Cost for the meal is $15.

Last month we requested members to come & work at our largest fundraiser Bingo. We had one member join, still require more brothers to step up. It is much less involved than when we run our own Bingo’s.

We will be holding a 1st Degree prior to the April Council Meeting. This will start at 7PM. Come out and be a part of the ceremony. On April 10th there will be 2nd & 3rd Degree’s at Hanover. Any member wishing to obtain their 2nd or 3rd contact Ken Gaffney.

Grand Knight

John J. Price

Grand Knight’s Message


Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

We are now into the Lenten season, a time for us to prepare for Christ’s Death & Resurrection. Our Cluster has provided material and programs to assist us in our preparation.

One of the programs is The Stations of The Cross held on Friday evenings at 7 PM. The Knights of Columbus will lead The Stations of The Cross on Friday Feb 26th at Immaculate Conception Church. I urge you to attend.

On another note we are in the process of ordering Sport Shirts. They are short sleeve with the Knight’s Emblem embroidered and available with or without a pocket. There is more information in this bulletin. Sample shirts are available to determine the correct size. I urge you to consider getting one of these shirts. When we are working at a fund raising events it helps promote our organization.

As most of you know we have four Bingo Teams that work at our weekly Bingo. Some Brothers can no longer work due to health reasons. We need some brothers to become involved. If you can come out once every four weeks let me know.

We are also going to be having a 1st Degree. We need new members. Approach family and friends and urge them to consider joining The Knights.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price