Monthly Archives: November 2016

Message from your Chaplain


Dear Brother Knights,

By the time that you receive this message our Liturgical Year will be ending, and a new season called Advent will have started along with a new liturgical year.

Advent has a twofold nature: it prepares us for Christmas, when we recall Christ’s first coming among us, and it is also a time when we look forward to his second coming at the end of the ages. Advent is a season of joyful expectation. During Advent, each Sunday’s Gospel reading has a specific focus. The Old Testament readings, especially those taken from Isaiah, are prophecies about the Messiah and messianic times. The selections from the writings of the Apostles present exhortations and instructions on different themes of this season.

To help prepare for the great feast of Christmas, we will have Advent materials to help us pray and meditate. We will have increased opportunities to celebrate the sacrament of confession.

This season is a time of waiting, and can get lost in all the busyness of the preparations for Christmas. Part of our waiting might be taking time to pray and setting time aside to reflect. If we think about it, our lives are an Advent. Let us all have a good Advent season.

Again, I want to thank you for all that you do for the Church and the wider community. May God bless you and your families.

Your Chaplain,

Fr. Dick Bester

Grand Knight’s Message


Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

Our liturgical year is coming to an end, but with it comes a new celebration Advent which begins our new liturgical year and prepares us for Christ’s birth at Christmas. Let us use the Advent season to remind us that we need to help those that are less fortunate.

Brothers we have taken on a new fundraising project that requires your involvement. We are delivering the Beacon Herald Phone Books to residential homes in Stratford. The city is divided into 32 routes totaling 12,500 books. These books are scheduled to arrive on Dec 9th. Please contact myself if you are able to help deliver these books. It can be a family event. This project will add $3,000 to our charity account. We are setting up captains to cover areas throughout the city.

Our Boston Pizza night was a success. Monies raised goes into our charity account. A cheque was issued to Kiwanis/CJCS Christmas Basket Fund. Thanks to the brothers & Kiwanis that supported this night.

As mentioned in our past bulletins we now have various fraternal activities at our monthly meetings. Our December meeting will start at 6 PM with a dinner of pulled pork on a bun with trimmings. This will be followed by our meeting. We will give Joe Lorentz a night off.

It’s not too late to place an order of Hams, Summer-sausage or Pepperettes. Call me or put your name on the order foams at the church. If you wish tickets for our Christmas Turkey Dinner on Friday December 9th let me know by December 2nd latest.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price

In Memoriam


Please remember in your prayers the repose of the souls of Frances Culliton, wife of Brother Keith Culliton, Henrika Van Beek, wife of Brother John Van Beek and Eamon (Eddie) Halpin, brother-in-law of Brother Larry McCabe for their families.

Sick and Shut-ins

Our prayers are requested for the following Knights who are either sick or shut in:

Brothers Gary Birmingham, Father Richard Tremblay, Harry Thomas, Eugene Hagen, Al Grant, Marco Eusebi, Ron Bourque, Frank Flood, and Dave Franks.

Also for Theresa Kelly, Debbie Mahood, Shirley Reeve, Anne Ryan-Murphy, Abigail Gregory-Mooney, Betty Dubrick, and Lorraine Minten



BROTHERS, the following notice is a reminder that 2017 is quickly coming upon us. This will mark the start of a new fraternal year.

Please help our council fulfill its financial obligations by submitting your 2016 dues as soon as possible.



Only pay $42 if your dues are paid by December 31, 2016

An Honorary member is one who is 65 old and has 25 years continuous service.


An Honorary Life member is one who is 70 years old and has

25 years of continuous service.

If you are not certain of your status, please contact me prior to sending in your dues.

Fraternally yours

Tony Vigar (519) 271-0797

Financial Secretary

Please make cheque payable to…..



91 Earl Street., Stratford On N5A 6G4

Charity Lottery Tickets


The results from last year’s Charity Lottery draw have arrived. Congratulations to Council 1431 on being in the top 10% per capita of ticket sales in the province. This is a remarkable achievement for us. We have received 20% of our gross ticket sales, $2,502, for our charitable account and $625 for use in our council account.

There is a chance that this year’s tickets will be to us before Christmas. Tentative plans have been put in place to sell at the Mall if this occurs.

Kilroy Council No 1431 Charitable Welfare Trust


As we approach the end of the calendar year we would like to remind everyone that should anyone wish to make a charitable donation & receive a charitable tax receipt, your donation would be greatly appreciated. Make cheque payable to “Kilroy Council No 1431 Charitable Welfare Trust” and mail or deliver to John Saman 29 Sutter St. Stratford, Ontario N4Z 1G7 before December 29th, so that the donation will show in our records for 2016.

You can also contribute to the Welfare Trust account by stipulating that any memorial donations made at the funeral home, in memory of friends & relatives, be made in favour of “Kilroy Council No 1431 Charitable Welfare Trust” and the funeral home will accommodate your request, after which we will issue you your charitable tax receipt.

Thanks to all who have contributed to the Charitable Welfare Trust account over the past years.

Brother John Saman

Euchre Party


Another great night of socializing, a fine roast beef dinner , and a fun night of cards thanks again to ’euchrama’ king, Joe Lorentz with assistance from Mary and Frank Nyenhuis, Barb and Frank Krauskopf and a kitchen crew that keeps getting better every year. Thanks to anyone who helped in any way. Mark New Year’s Eve, Dec. 31 on your calendars for the yearly tradition, pot luck dinner followed by some card playing.