Grand Knight’s Message


I was pleased to see a few different faces at our September Council Meeting. Our new Field Agent Jay Nelligan was at the meeting. He gave us a brief outline of his service with the Knights & in the Insurance business.

One of the topics discussed at the meeting is a Membership Recruitment Team. Mike Mooney has agreed to be the chairperson which is in the process of finalization. Jay Nelligan will be part of the team. Our council membership is below 170, of which 20 are fifty or younger.

We also issued a cheque to St. Joseph’s Restoration for $3,500 completing our $50,000 pledge.

Once again God has called home another brother, Bob Skinner. His Prayer Service & Funeral Mass was very well attended. Believe me when I say our presence is most appreciated by the family.

This past week was the annual Shriners Social & Corn Roast. It was very well attended. Their donation to the Knights is appreciated. The annual St. Anthony’s Mass was held Sept 11th. The Knights aided in the church clean-up and provided refreshments. The Church was full. Fr. David posted some pictures on Facebook.

At our September executive meeting we discussed changing our council meetings a little. Several ideas were presented. Commencing with the October Meeting, previous meeting minutes will be distributed prior to the meeting, they will be e-mailed to our distribution list, with printed copies available prior to the meeting. These minutes will not be read at the meeting. There will be an opportunity for corrections, followed by a motion to accept the minutes. Change the start time to 7 p.m. had positive consideration. This will allow additional time for fraternal activities after the meeting. This proposal will be discussed at our October meeting. The October meeting start time is 7:30 p.m.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price

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