Message from your Chaplain

By the time you receive this bulletin for July, we will be well into summer.  Many of you will be on vacation and enjoying well deserved holidays.  In some respects many of the groups and committees take a break from their activities

July 1 is celebrated as Canada’s birthday.  On that weekend, July 3, we will have our cluster swim at the Lion’s Pool from 4:00-5:00.  Following that there will be a barbeque and meal in the hall.  I want to thank the Knights for barbequing for this event.  At this event, we will be saying good bye to Father Seejo as he leaves for his new assignment in London at Holy Family Parish

Another event which will take place in the month of July is the annual Bible Camp.  Again I want to thank you for your financial support and the barbequing that you will provide following the closing mass on Friday, July 29.  Your support of parish events is very much appreciated.  Without your support and the support of other parish organizations, events like the Bible Camp would not be able to happen.  Thank you.

As we celebrate Canada Day weekend, let us remind ourselves that we are blessed to live in such a country as Canada.  We also need to remind ourselves that as Christian men, we act from Christian principles and attitudes in helping to shape the country in which we live.   Our life in this world is not our lasting home, and we should pray and work for justice and peace in Canada and throughout the world.

I want to thank you for all that you have done over the past year for our cluster and our wider community.  Enjoy the summer weather and your well deserved vacations.  May you be refreshed by the break.

Your Chaplain

Fr. Dick Bester

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