Monthly Archives: November 2015


Note: Euchre is now on the third Friday of each month.

November 20th: John Price and Dave Flegg.

December 18th: Adam Gulikers and Jack Palleschi.

January 15th: Jeff Smith and Fred Dubrick.

February 19th: Ken Gaffney and John Price.

March 18th: Larry McCabe and Dave Flegg.

April 15th: Jim Kelly and Harry Visser.

May 20th: Hosts needed.

June 17th: Hosts needed.

Changes to the Euchre

We will be changing how people move from one table to the next after each hand, to reduce confusion.

There is no more head table (although you can still use the bell to signal the change-up).

When people pay at the door, they can be issued either a White score card or a Blue score card. The colour of the card indicates how they will move around. So couples could get the same colour if they want to play together all night, or different colours if they want to mix it up.

Be sure before they start that there are two blue and two white cards at each table.

At the end of each hand, those with white cards move clockwise, those with blue cards move counter-clockwise (or whichever direction the host chooses). This will help eliminate playing against the same person several times.

We’ll try this out at the December 18th Euchre and see how it goes.

Physician Assisted Death

John Price brought an issue to our attention regarding Physician Assisted Death, where not only is it possibly coming to our province, but also that the possibility of abuse if very real. To that end, there is a noted speaker from London who is willing to come to Stratford to speak on the dangers this situation brings.

For our part, Assembly 1866 will join with the Council to pay the costs of bringing this speaker in at a future date. Once the date has been confirmed I urge all members to try to attend.

Coming Events




December 11, 2015

Christmas party date

No business meeting in December

December 18, 2015


Adam Gulikers and Jack Palleschi.

January 15, 2016


Jeff Smith and Fred Dubrick

January 25, 2016

Dinner Meeting


February 19, 2016


Ken Gaffney and John Price

February 22, 2016

Dinner Meeting


March 18, 2016


Larry McCabe and Dave Flegg

March TBA

No meeting: Easter is March 27

Communion Breakfast in March

April 15, 2016


Jim Kelly and Harry Visser

April 25, 2016

Dinner Meeting


May 20, 2016


Hosts needed

May 24, 2016

Dinner Meeting

Note: this is a Tuesday

June 17, 2016


Hosts needed

June 27, 2016

BBQ Social


Message from your Chaplain


Dear Brother Knights,

By the time that you receive this message, Advent will be nearly upon us. This marks the beginning of the new Church year. This season in the Church year is a time of quiet joyful preparation for the great feast of Christmas. Because of the commercialism surrounding Christmas in our culture, Advent can be missed, if we do not consciously take part in it.

Advent has a twofold nature: it prepares us for Christmas, when we recall Christ’s first coming among us, and it is also a time when we look forward to this second coming at the end of time. To help us prepare for Christmas, we will have material at the doors of the Church and ongoing study of our mass. We will have extra times for the celebration of the sacrament of confession, and a communal penance service on December 16, at Immaculate Conception Church. Hopefully, this demonstrates our desire to welcome the Lord with purified hearts at this sacred time.

I know that this season becomes busy for you with the extra work that you do to support the various charities you sponsor, but consciously take the time to be quiet and pray that we are individually and collectively spiritually ready to make room for Christ in our lives.

Thank you for all that you do to help in our Church. Your participation and leadership in the Bereavement ceremony which we just celebrated was much appreciated. Thank you to the Fourth Degree for the honour guard and for your visible presence in Life Chain. I also thank you for the part you played in the community Remembrance Day Service.

As we approach Advent let us pray for each other as well. Happy Advent.

Your Chaplain,

Fr. Dick Bester

Grand Knight’s Message


Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

As you peruse through this bulletin or wander through the shopping malls we are reminded of the Christmas Season.

Let us keep in mind that the real meaning of Christmas is “Celebrating the Birth of Christ”. We are called to be more Christ like and charity is one avenue. As I mentioned previously charity comes in different forms. It can be simple gestures. Sincerely wish someone a Merry Christmas or if in the checkout at a grocery store & the person ahead of you is a little short of funds, instead of them having to put some items back cover the difference. You may be surprised how good it makes you feel knowing you helped someone out.

As you read through this bulletin decide what you can also do to participate in events mentioned.

Our Boston Pizza fundraiser was a good success. The funds raised will be forwarded to St. Vincent de Paul. Thanks to those who contributed.

Our Ham Sales Fundraiser is underway. Please support it.

Our Christmas Dinner is coming up Friday December 11th. Tickets are $20.00 each. Hopefully you can attend.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price

Sick and Shut-ins


Our prayers are requested for the following Knights who are either sick or shut in:

Brothers Gary Birmingham, Clarence White, Father Richard Tremblay, Dan Eybergen, Harry Thomas, Eugene Hagen, Ernie Walsh, Al Grant, Marco Eusebi, Adrian Theijsmeijer, Louis Feryn, Ron Bourque, and Dave Murtha

Also for Theresa Kelly, Debbie Mahood, Fran Culliton, Shirley Reeve, Anne Ryan-Murphy, Henrika Van Beek, Abigail Gregory-Mooney, and Betty Dubrick.

Ham Sales


(Same Prices As Last Year)

2.5 LB $12

5 LB $23

10 LB $44

Stemmler’s Summer Sausage Chubb $16 Pepperettes 24 @ $10

Order forms on our website, at hall or see Jeff Smith, Harry Visser, or John Price

Deadline for ordering is Thursday November 19, 2015

Pick-up Friday Dec 4 (7-9 pm) Saturday Dec. 5 (10-3 pm)