Faithful Navigator’s Message

Sir Knights & Ladies:

Frank Flood lost his battle with cancer on June 4th. He is now with the Lord. Our prayers and condolences go out to Catherine and the Flood family.

This past Sunday we celebrated the 150th Anniversary of St. Joseph’s Parish. We were blessed by having Bishop Fabbro be the celebrant & homilist at all the weekend masses to help celebrate this historical event. Our Assembly financially supported the planning committee with a $150 donation.

I want to express my thanks to the Sir Knights that provided an Honour Guard for Confirmation on June 4th & the Final Sunday Mass on June11th.

At our May meeting we also approved: —

$ 25 for each of the 5 Separate Schools Graduation to cover cost of a keeper plaque for a student at each school.

$ 500 in support of the Bible Camp.

While we will not have meetings over the summer months, our commitment to working at bingos continues. Check out the schedule. Contact Larry McCabe if you are available.

Our BBQ Dinner will be on Monday June 26th. Cost for the meal is $10.00 per person.

As this is my last letter as your Faithful Navigator, I want to express my thanks to the SK’s that assisted me these last few months, while I devoted time with Mary Lou.

Also thanks to Howard Culligan for accepting the nomination as Faithful Navigator.

Fraternally Yours

Jack Palleschi

Faithful Navigator


Coming Events

Friday June 16, 2017 Euchre Party 7PM (Hosts John Price & Jack Palleschi)

Monday June 26, 2017 BBQ Dinner 6:30 PM

Tuesday June 27, 2017 Bingo 5 PM

Friday July 7, 2017 Bingo 5 PM

Thursday July 20, 2017 Bingo 5 PM

Saturday Aug. 12, 2017 Bingo 5 PM

Sunday Sept. 03, 2017 Bingo 1 PM

Friday Sept. 15, 2017 Euchre Party 7 PM

Monday Sept 25, 2017 Dinner Meeting Cocktails 6:30 PM, Dinner 7 PM Meeting follows.

Saturday Sept. 30, 2017 Bingo 5 PM


Message from your Chaplain

Dear Brother Knights,

We are still in the Easter season and will be until the great feast of Pentecost.  Certainly there are signs around us of Resurrection as we enter firmly into spring.  As William Jennings Bryan wrote

To every created thing God has given a tongue that proclaims a resurrection.  If the Father designs to touch with divine power the cold and pulseless heart of the buried acorn, and make it burst forth from its prison wall, will he leave neglected the soul of man, who is made in the image of the Creator?”

The doctrine of the resurrection is the central doctrine of our faith.  Our belief in the resurrection gives our lives meaning and direction, and offers us hope.  Belief in the resurrection gives us hope to face all the circumstances of our lives.  It touches our lives here and now, here and everywhere.  Even in our suffering and the little deaths that we face, there are little resurrections.  This is what we call the Paschal mystery that we celebrate at each mass, and find present in our lives.

I want to thank you for the honour guards that you will be supplying for Confirmation coming up and also the weekend that the Bishop is here for the open house.  I want to thank you for all that you do in our church and in our community.  Rose Sunday will take place on Mother’s Day and I thank you for that as well.

During this Easter season let all of us open our hearts to the miracle of the resurrection.

Your Chaplain,

Fr. Dick Bester

Grand Knight’s Message

Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

I am sure by now everyone knows that a member of our council was ordained to the Priesthood on May 6, 2017. Congratulations to Fr. Ross Campbell for your vocation to the priesthood which will benefit so many individuals.

My term as this councils Grand Knight is coming to an end and I wish to thank everyone for their guidance and support. Also to my wife Donna for her patience and understanding.

I also thank our Grand Knight elect Ken Gaffney for accepting his nomination, as well as the other new members of the Executive that accepted their nominations.

Br. Martin Switzer recently obtained his 2nd & 3rd Degrees. Andrew Fraiser who just moved into the area recently received his 1st degree and we also have 4 transfers into our council Andrew Crowley, Dave Crowley, Cory James Wege and Ron Bokkers.

Our next large fundraiser is the annual Steak BBQ on Thursday June 8th. Format same as previous years, Tickets are same $ 20.00. Your attendance makes this a successful event. Several members have tickets – Tony Vigar, Harry Visser, Larry McCabe, Joe Lorentz, myself.

There are some upcoming events that require your participation. When contacted by a committee person lend your assistance if the date is not conflicting for you.

Friday June 2nd – Relay for Life BBQ & serving;

Thursday June 15th — Community Meal prepare, serve & cleanup;

Sunday July 2nd – Clustered Parish Picnic BBQ & serving.

At our last council meeting Br. Lorne Twamley was collecting pledges as he will be walking in the Relay for Life. Lorne will be pleased to add your name. There are also some other brothers walking that will gratefully take a pledge.

Bingo workers are needed. The 4th Degree has also received a license. This requires additional members to man the bingos. It is much easier than previously, sell the cards & pay out the prize money. Contact John Price or Larry McCabe.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price

In Memoriam

Please remember in your prayers the repose of the souls of Betty Doherty, wife of Brother Seamus Doherty, Pauline Helm, wife of deceased Grand Knight Arnold Helm and Sylvio Parr, father of Brother Dan Parr and for their families.

Sick and Shut-ins

Our prayers are requested for the following Knights who are either sick or shut in:

Brothers Gary Birmingham, Father Richard Tremblay, Harry Thomas, Eugene Hagen, Al Grant, Marco Eusebi, Ron Bourque, Frank Flood, Dave Franks, Michael Gomes, Frank Krauskopf and Steve Voros.

Also for Theresa Kelly, Debbie Mahood, Shirley Reeve, Anne Ryan-Murphy, Abigail Gregory-Mooney, Betty Dubrick, Mary Lou Palleschi, Shirley Reeve, Myrna Hagen and Rose Iacobellis.

Charitable Welfare Trust Fund

The annual meeting of the Charitable Welfare Trust was conducted by John Saman. Statements presented showed the balances as of December 2016:

Scholarship Funds $23,542.91

Welfare funds $1,416.78

Bingo funds $1,565.21

Over the year 2016, $33,766 was donated to various charities: Stratford Hospital Foundation, Kiwanis Arts & Music Festival, Stratford Youth Soccer, the Arthritis Society, St. Joseph’s Church, Immaculate Conception Church, Ostomy Association, Kiwanis Club of Stratford/CJCS Basket Fund, Stratford House of Blessing, L’Arche Stratford, Salvation Army Stratford, Simple Dreams, St. Michael C.S.S., Optimism Place, St. Aloysius School, St. Joseph Church

Restoration Fund, Stratford & Area Right to Life, Alzheimers’s Society, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Special Olympics Ontario.

John Saman was re-elected to chair this fund for another year.