Please help our council fulfill its financial obligations by submitting your 2017 dues as soon as possible.



Please make cheque payable to…..



91 Earl Street., Stratford On N5A 6G4

Fraternally yours

Tony Vigar (519) 271-0797

Financial Secretary

Welfare Trust

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of KILROY COUNCIL 1431 CHARITABLE WELFARE TRUST will be at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 93 Morgan Street, Stratford Ontario during the regular Council meeting on May 1, 2017 at 7:00 pm.

We remind everyone that we can issue a taxable receipt for any donation which is deposited to the Welfare Trust Account. When making an In Memoriam donation at the funeral home, please consider the Charitable Welfare Trust. Donations made by cheque are to be payable to “KILROY COUNCIL 1431 CHARITABLE WELFARE TRUST

Coming Events

Friday Mar. 17, Semi-annual Euchre party and roast beef dinner, 6:30 p.m.

Monday April 3, Council meeting 7:00 p.m.

April 10, Knights Inc. 7:00 p.m.; Council exec. 7:45 p.m.

Thursday Apr. 13 – Sunday

Apr. 16, Easter Triduum

Wednesday May 10 Boston Pizza, proceeds to Sick Kids Foundation

Thursday June 8, Steak BBQ

Saturday July 1, Food Booth, Canada Day Celebrations, 11:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

Sunday Sept. 17 Walk-A-Thon fundraiser


Faithful Navigators Message

Sir Knights & Ladies:

As we approach the mid-point of the Lenten season let us remember the suffering Christ did for our sins, dying & then rising from the dead. The Stations of the Cross is a devotion that helps us in our daily lives.

Our Spring Communion Brunch will be held on Sunday April 2, 2017. Mass 10 AM at Immaculate Conception Church, Brunch at The Queens Inn 11:45 AM cost $18.00 includes gratuity. Thanks to Dave Franks for arranging this event.

Our next Dinner Meeting will take place on Monday April 24, 2017. We will have a meeting only on Monday March 27, 2017 starting at 7 PM.

Our next Euchre party will be held on April 21, 2017; John Price & Howard Culligan will be the hosts. Hosts are required for the May 12, 2017 Euchre. There was some discussion about increasing the prize money given out, but it was agreed to wait until the fall.

We have been approved and now have a schedule to run Bingo’s. Proceeds from Bingo will go to support the church. Our first bingo is scheduled for April 23, 2017 (Sunday Matinee).

We will have an Honour Guard for two upcoming events:

Sunday June 4, 2017 Confirmation at St. Joseph’s Church 2 PM

Sunday June 11, 2017 Dedication St. Joseph Church 11:30 AM Mass Bishop Fabbro

At our last meeting we discussed helping fund replacing the doors at St. Anthony’s Mission Church. More to follow.

Fraternally Yours

Jack Palleschi

Faithful Navigator

Upcoming Events

Monday Mar 27, 2017 Assembly Meeting 7:00 PM

Sun Apr 02, 2017 Communion Breakfast. (10AM Mass & Brunch 11:45)

Friday April 21, 2017 Euchre Party 7PM (Hosts John Price & Howard Culligan)

Monday April 24, 2017 Dinner Meeting Cocktails 6:30 PM, Dinner 7 PM

Friday May 12, 2017 Euchre Party 7PM (Hosts needed)

Monday May 29, 2017 Dinner Meeting Cocktails 6:30 PM, Dinner 7 PM

Sunday June 4, 2017 Honour Guard Confirmation St’ Joseph’s 2 PM

Sunday June 11, 2017 Honour Guard Dedication St’ Joseph’s 11:30 AM

Message from your Chaplain

Bythe time that you receive this bulletin, we will nearly be in the season of Lent. Ash Wednesday, celebrated on March 1, begins the season of Lent and is a universal day of fast and abstinence in our universal Church Lent is the yearly celebration by the Church of its corporate conversion in Jesus Christ. During Lent, the liturgy prepares catechumens to celebrate the Paschal Mystery by the various stages of initiation. It also prepares the faithful for Easter as they recall their baptism and do penance in preparation for the greatest Feast of the year.

Lent has two major purposes. It recalls or prepares for baptism, and emphasizes a spirit of penance. Through forty days of closer attention to God’s Word and of more fervent prayer, believers are prepared to celebrate the Paschal Mystery. Lenten instructions stress these baptismal and penitential themes.

Sin has social consequences. At the heart of the virtue of penance is hatred of sin as an offence against God. We encourage penitential practices that are external and social, reflecting the circumstances of individuals and communities, as we pray and do penance for sinners. We also stress individual and interior penitential practices. The three preferred penances of the Church are fasting prayer and alms giving.

In our cluster we have a number of opportunities to get involved in the life of the Church and do penances at the same time. Just watch our Church bulletin. Thank you for taking one of the evenings and leading the Stations of The Cross, this prayer which has inspired Christians for centuries.

As the Lenten season soon begins, may you have a blessed and good Lent.

Your Chaplain,

Fr. Dick Bester


Grand Knight’s Message

Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

Ordinary Time is coming to a close. The Lenten Season begins on Ash Wednesday March 1. Let us use this time to reflect on our spiritual life as we grow in our faith. Each Friday during lent our parish cluster has the Station of the Cross Prayer Service where we come together and pray remembering Christ’s Suffering for our sins. The Knights will lead the Prayer Service on Friday March 10th.

As a prelude to lent we are having another Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at our hall from 4:30 until 7 PM. Come out enjoy the comradery and support this fundraiser.

Our Basketball Free Throw Council Level was well attended despite having to be rescheduled due to weather. Thanks to Br. Lorne Twamley for chairing this event and arranging sponsorship for the refreshments. Winners will now advance to the District Competition.

At our Community Kitchen we severed over 100 people.

Our Appreciation Dinner was enjoyed by all those who attended.

Our Boston Pizza Night had a less than anticipated turnout, however a $ 570 profit was realized.

Tickets are now on sale for our Spring Roast Beef Dinner & Euchre Party to be held on Friday March 17th at the hall. Cost for a great evening is $16.00. The Dinner starts at 6:30 PM

Any Brother that hasn’t taken their 2nd or 3rd degree has any opportunity to receive both on Sunday March 12, 2017 in Hanover. Transportation will be provided, however names must be submitted by March 05, 2017. For Additional information contact Ken Gaffney.

Finally I want to acknowledge the efforts of the Brothers & family members that delivered the phone books and to Paul Gras for allowing us to store them at his place as the hall could not handle the volume. These efforts raised over $ 3000.

Your Grand Knight

John J. Price

Sick and Shut-ins

Our prayers are requested for the following Knights who are either sick or shut in:

Brothers Gary Birmingham, Father Richard Tremblay, Harry Thomas, Eugene Hagen, Al Grant, Marco Eusebi, Ron Bourque, Frank Flood, Dave Franks, Michael Gomes, and Frank Krauskopf.  

Also for Theresa Kelly, Debbie Mahood, Shirley Reeve, Anne Ryan-Murphy, Abigail Gregory-Mooney, Betty Dubrick, Lorraine Minten, Mary Lou Palleschi and Shirley Reeve.