Our sale of State Charity tickets is over. 181.4 books were sold out of the 240 we were allotted. That compares to last year’s sales of 139 books. 96 members sold tickets this year. Harry Visser again topped the sellers at 4.5 books. Thanks to everyone who bought or sold tickets. There are 1000 prizes including a Ford Mustang, $250,000 cash and 990 smaller prizes. Stay near a phone on July 16.
Category Archives: State Charity
State Charity Tickets
Please turn in your $50 per book of ticket money and sold ticket stubs to Jim Gaylor or leave at the Knight’s Hall.
State Charity Lottery Tickets
$5.00 a ticket
A Total Of 1000 Prizes
(1) 2015 Ford Mustang Convertible
9 cash prizes: (1) $250,000, (1) $100,000, (2) $25,000, (5) $10,000
61.5 books of tickets were sold at the mall. Great job by sellers:
Dave & Joan Franks, Tom & Louise Gould, Henry & Mary Sterkenburg, Jim & Elvira Gaylor, Frank & Catherine Flood, Gerry Culligan, Ed Chaput, Harry Visser, Bernie Van Herk, John Saman, Shawn Raiman, Bill Mullin, Jim Miron, Jim Hurley, Mike Dunn, Fred Dubrick, Tony Hunter, Frank Nyenhuis, Larry McCabe, Joe Lynett, Dave Nickel, Paul Zybura