Category Archives: Chaplain’s Message

Message from your Chaplain


Dear Brother Knights,

As we look out the window and the January snows, we know that winter has arrived. I trust everyone had a good Christmas season with families and friends. We have now entered the season of Ordinary Time in our liturgical year. During Ordinary Time, the Church celebrates the fullness of the mystery of the Lord Jesus.

On the first day of the week, the Lord’s Day, God assembles the beloved people to hear the Word, to reflect upon it, to offer the living sacrifice of praise, and to eat and drink the banquet of the Lord. Then God sends us forth to proclaim this love by our words and actions.

Sunday is the original Christian Feast Day, following the tradition handed down from apostolic times, for this was the day of the Lord’s resurrection. Today, our Christian community, along with other Christian communities continue, this tradition by celebrating every Sunday as the day of the risen Lord.

I would like to remind everyone of the upcoming evening on February 17, on Physician Assisted Suicide from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in St. Joseph’s Church Hall. I hope as many as possible will attend this evening.

As we enter into the New Year, may it be filled with many blessings for you and your families. Thank you for all that you do for the Church and the wider community.

Your Chaplain,

Fr. Dick Bester

Message from your Chaplain

Dear Brother Knights,

By the time that your receive this bulletin, we will be in the Christmas season.  This is one of the greatest feast days in our liturgical years.  The Christmas season celebrates the birth of the Lord Jesus, and the ways he manifested the presence of God among us.  For the Church, only the Easter celebration of the Lord’s death and rising is more important than the Christmas season.  The statutes that you will see in the nativity scenes which are set up everywhere at this time of year, are figures of hope for a world that desperately needs hope.  I believe that we are all drawn to this scene because at this scene, we find peace, hope and love.  This can get lost in the hustle and bustle that is part of our North American Christmas.

The sanctuaries in our Churches will be decorated not only with the Nativity scene but also with flowers and other articles from our culture.  The Christmas season ends with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.  Please think on this.  When the song of the angel is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flocks, when all of this is gone, the work of Christmas begins—to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoners, to rebuild the nations, to bring peace among us, to make music in our hearts.  This is the challenge of Christmas.

I want to thank you for all that you do in our Church and in our wider community.  May you and your families have a Merry Christmas and receive many blessings in the New Year.

Your Chaplain,

Fr. Dick Bester

Message from your Chaplain


Dear Brother Knights,

By the time that you receive this message, Advent will be nearly upon us. This marks the beginning of the new Church year. This season in the Church year is a time of quiet joyful preparation for the great feast of Christmas. Because of the commercialism surrounding Christmas in our culture, Advent can be missed, if we do not consciously take part in it.

Advent has a twofold nature: it prepares us for Christmas, when we recall Christ’s first coming among us, and it is also a time when we look forward to this second coming at the end of time. To help us prepare for Christmas, we will have material at the doors of the Church and ongoing study of our mass. We will have extra times for the celebration of the sacrament of confession, and a communal penance service on December 16, at Immaculate Conception Church. Hopefully, this demonstrates our desire to welcome the Lord with purified hearts at this sacred time.

I know that this season becomes busy for you with the extra work that you do to support the various charities you sponsor, but consciously take the time to be quiet and pray that we are individually and collectively spiritually ready to make room for Christ in our lives.

Thank you for all that you do to help in our Church. Your participation and leadership in the Bereavement ceremony which we just celebrated was much appreciated. Thank you to the Fourth Degree for the honour guard and for your visible presence in Life Chain. I also thank you for the part you played in the community Remembrance Day Service.

As we approach Advent let us pray for each other as well. Happy Advent.

Your Chaplain,

Fr. Dick Bester

Message from your Chaplain


Dear Brother Knights,

During the month of November in particular, we remember and pray for the deceased. November 1, is the Solemnity of All Saints. The saints are the principal witnesses to Christ and to the saving power of his death and resurrection. On November 2, we celebrate the commemoration of all the Faithful departed. This we call All Souls’ Day.

On November 1, at 7:00 p.m. in St. Joseph’s Church, we will be holding a bereavement service to remember and help support all those families who have lost loved ones over the years. I want to thank the Knights for their part in preparing for this celebration. I know that the Knights have lost members through this year and we offer our continued support.

On November 11, we celebrate Remembrance Day, and I know that many of us will be taking part in what the city has planned.

I want to thank the Knights for all that you do in our Church and in the community. We will see you at these different celebrations.


Fr. Dick Bester

Message from your Chaplain


Dear Brother Knights,

With teachers and students returning to school and the celebration of Labour Day, parish life resumes and programs and organizations begin again.

This is also the case with the Knights of Columbus.

One of the charisms of the Knights that has impressed me, particularly with this Council, is the brotherhood or fraternity that you show. This was demonstrated recently on two occasions for which I am grateful. The first incident involved the break in at St. Anthony’s Church. The Knights rallied with the committee that takes care of the Church, to have the Church ready for the scheduled annual mass. You did such a great job. The second incident involves the prayer service for George Heisz on the day before his funeral. You came out in such great numbers to show your support for a fellow Knight. I was really impressed. Thank you again. I also want to thank you for the reception that you provided after the mass at St. Anthony’s. I know that it was much appreciated.

With this organization beginning again, it is a good time to approach men who may not be Knights and ask them to join our organization. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Our actions usually speak louder than words, and in recent events, I’m sure you have attracted some men to the Knights of Columbus because of your witness to the faith and to the Order. They may not know how to go about joining

I want to thank you for all that you do for our Church and community. See you at the next meeting.


Father Bester

Message from your Chaplain


Dear Brother Knights,

As summer continues, I hope all of you are enjoying a slower pace, and that you have had holidays or will be getting some.

I want to thank you for all the help that you have given over the summer. You helped with the barbeque for the parish picnic and swim which was a real success. You provided monetary support to the Bible Camp and again barbequed at the closing at the end of July. Again, I thank you for organizing the reception that will take place on September 13 following our annual mass at 2:00p.m. at St. Anthony’s Church. I want you to know how much this is appreciated, and I thank you sincerely for all that you do in helping our cluster run so smoothly.

As the summer continues, and we begin to think of fall and all the activities beginning, this would be a good time to approach men who are not Knights and invite them to seriously consider joining the Knights for the brotherhood that this organization provides, and the spiritual reinforcement it also affords.

Continue to enjoy the summer.

Your Chaplain,

Father Bester

Message from your Chaplain

Dear Brother Knights,

As the days lengthen and the days get warmer, we know that summer is upon us.  We also realize that for many it is a time of vacationing and holidays.  It is also a time for looking back at what has been accomplished and looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead.

I want to thank you for all that you have done over the past year.  I cannot imagine a parish or cluster without the Knights of Columbus.  I want to thank you for all that you have done.  You have always been there when needed.  Recently, you have been there for the Walkathon, the Parish Swim and picnic.  You have worked for Right to Life issues, and the Bible Camp. Then there are all the causes that you take on in the larger community.  Thank you so much.

I want to thank all those knights who have completed their term on the executive and for all the time, talent and treasure that you have contributed.  I welcome all those knights who are taking on new positions and promise our support.

In this beautiful land that is so blessed, may you sense the presence of God.  May you have a restful and safe summer.

Your Chaplain

Father Bester

Message from your Chaplain

Dear Brother Knights,

As you know, we are coming to the end of the Easter season in the Church, and we are moving steadily toward summer. The great feast of Pentecost, the birthday of our Church, is just around the corner. We live in the life of the Spirit, and at times we can forget this truth with our crammed schedules and concerns. When we realize this, then it is a good time to take a pause and reflect on this and what it means in my life. The celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation reminds us of this. This sacrament will be celebrated in our cluster on May 24 at 2:00 at St. Joseph’s Church. I want to thank the Fourth Degree Knights for the honour guard.

I want to thank all those who have accepted positions on the executive for this coming year, and thank those who are retiring. We promise our support. I also want to thank you for sponsoring the Walkathon which is coming up on June 14. I hope as many as possible will either walk or sponsor those who are walking. The monies raised from this will go to the restoration fund for St. Joseph’s Church. Let us pray that we have good weather.

I want to end with this reflection from Brendan McConvery “Breathe into me, Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may be holy. Move in me, Holy Spirit, that my work may be holy. Attract my heart, Holy Spirit, that I may love only what is holy. Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, so that I may defend all that is holy. Protect me, Holy Spirit, that I may always be holy.

Once, again, I want to thank you for all that you do for our church and the wider community.

Your Chaplain

Father Bester

Message from your Chaplain


Dear Brother Knights,

By the time that you receive this bulletin we should be close to the Easter Season or in it. So I wish all of you and your families a Happy Easter.

Easter does matter. It is a declaration of God’s love for us—the same love that created the world and sustains it. God’s love is more powerful than death. Christ’s resurrection shatters the bonds of death, and death is not the final word. Over the last few days, we have seen winter begin to give way to spring. With the lengthening days, and moderating and warming temperatures, I think that we can make the natural connection between the coming of Spring and Easter and Resurrection. There are signs of new life all around us. Jesus’ resurrection is not just about him but about all of us.

We, too, will be resurrected. And surely this is something to give us hope. The belief in Resurrection, which is the central doctrine of our faith, gives us the courage to face those trials that each of us must face. These might be likened to the Good Fridays in our lives. Our belief tells us that after death comes new life. Easter Sunday, then, is about Resurrection.

I want to thank all the Knights for all the work that you do for our Church and wider community. At this time, I wish you, again, a Happy Easter. Let us rejoice that Christ is risen.

Father Dick
