Faithful Navigator’s Message

Sir Knights & Ladies:

Frank Flood lost his battle with cancer on June 4th. He is now with the Lord. Our prayers and condolences go out to Catherine and the Flood family.

This past Sunday we celebrated the 150th Anniversary of St. Joseph’s Parish. We were blessed by having Bishop Fabbro be the celebrant & homilist at all the weekend masses to help celebrate this historical event. Our Assembly financially supported the planning committee with a $150 donation.

I want to express my thanks to the Sir Knights that provided an Honour Guard for Confirmation on June 4th & the Final Sunday Mass on June11th.

At our May meeting we also approved: —

$ 25 for each of the 5 Separate Schools Graduation to cover cost of a keeper plaque for a student at each school.

$ 500 in support of the Bible Camp.

While we will not have meetings over the summer months, our commitment to working at bingos continues. Check out the schedule. Contact Larry McCabe if you are available.

Our BBQ Dinner will be on Monday June 26th. Cost for the meal is $10.00 per person.

As this is my last letter as your Faithful Navigator, I want to express my thanks to the SK’s that assisted me these last few months, while I devoted time with Mary Lou.

Also thanks to Howard Culligan for accepting the nomination as Faithful Navigator.

Fraternally Yours

Jack Palleschi

Faithful Navigator


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