Stratford Knights Incorporated



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of Stratford Knights Inc. will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall 93 Morgan Street, Stratford Ontario on the 5th. of June, 2017 at the hour of approximately 8:30 p.m. for the following purposes.

  1. To receive and consider the financial report of the corporation as of December 31, 2016.

  2. To elect the Directors of the Corporation

  3. To appoint the Accounting Firm for the Corporation for 2017

  4. To consider, if approved to ratify and confirm all by-laws, resolutions, contract, acts and proceedings of the Board of Directors of the Corporation enacted, made, done or taken since the last annual meeting of the shareholders.

  5. To enact such further business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournments thereof.

TAKE NOTICE that the Grand Knight and the Deputy Grand Knight will no longer be appointed as ex officio without the necessity of election. This will comply with a direction from Canada Revenue.

At this Annual Meeting, there are to be nominations for five (6) members to the Board of Directors who are to hold office for a two (2) year term. Each nominee to the Board of Directors must be a member of the Corporation in good standing of Council 1431, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. Each member shall be nominated in writing by a member of the Corporation in good standing and such nomination shall be filed with the Secretary of the Corporation or, in the absence, an officer of the Corporation not less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the time of the meeting. Each nominee to the Board of Directors must signify his intention, in writing, to so stand by 9:00 p.m. on the 5th. of June, 2017, or he shall not be eligible for election to the Board of Directors.

Directors who still have one year remaining to serve on the present Board of Directors are:

Jim Miron, Fred Dubrick, Joe Lorentz, Lorne Twamley, Mike Mooney

Directors who have completed their term of office and are eligible for re-election are:

Tom Gould, Tony Vigar, Harry Visser, Frank Flood, John Price, Ron Marcy



94 McCarthy Rd Apt 4

Stratford, Ontario N5A 7K8

Stratford Knights Inc.

Statement of Operations and Fund Balance

(Unaudited – See Notice to Reader)

For the year ended December 31 2016 2015


Facility Rent $ 7,285 $ 7,094

Council Rent 4,200 5,100

Interest on Investments 3,753 4,896

Miscellaneous 3,600 4,840

18,838 21,930


Amortization 12,829 13,606

Insurance 5,091 4,852

Janitorial Supplies 707 658

Maintenance 17,154 2,298

Miscellaneous 373 405

Professional fees 1,102 1,074

Property taxes 5,724 5,702

Telephone & cable 2,038 1,718

Utilities 3,575 3,486

48,593 33,799

Loss Before Income Taxes (29,755) (11,869)

Income Taxes 8 479

Results of operations for the year (29,763) (12,348)

Fund Balance, beginning of year 590,449 602,798

Fund Balance, end of year $ 560,686 $ 590,449

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