Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:
After celebrating Christ’s Birth at Christmas the Church is now in Ordinary Time. Let us use this time to stop & listen in our prayers and be guided in what our Lord is calling us to do.We had a successful year which enabled us to meet our charitable commitments donating over $22,000.
Our Council has made another Pledge $50,000 to refurbish the Fr. O’Rouke Window. This will require a lot of volunteer hours over the next five plus years. The delivery of the Beacon Herald Phone Books is a good start. Thanks to all those who have braved the elements to deliver these books. We are almost complete. Another Walk A Thon is being planned for later this year. Proceeds will go to the pledge.
We had another successful Christmas Ham Sale which resulted in a profit of $ 935.00 Thanks for the support.
Jim Gaylor reported at our council meeting that The State Charities Ticket sales got off to a great start by selling 109.3 books at the mall over the Christmas Season. This is a terrific start towards our goal of selling 250 books. Let’s support Br. Jim in his goal by taking a book or two to sell.
Our next Boston Pizza Night is Wednesday Feb 1, 2017. Come out and support. See Mike Lobsinger for tickets. Proceeds are for Youth Soccer.
A Knights’ Appreciation Dinner is being held on Sunday Jan 29th starting at 5 PM. Members come out and enjoy a free Dinner. Guests can dine for $ 10.00.
We were requested to provide Pall Bearers for Cory Ruijs Funeral Mass. Thanks to the brothers that provided this service.
Again this year we will start Lent with a Shrove Tuesday Meal prepared by the Knight’s at our hall 4:30 until 7 PM. Come out and enjoy.
We have a number of Brothers that do not have their 2nd or 3rd degrees. Both Degrees are being held on Sunday March 5, 2017 at Hanover. Contact Ken Gaffney for more information.
Your Grand Knight
John J. Price