Message from your Chaplain


Dear Brother Knights,

By the time that you receive this message, we will be in the season of Lent. Lent is that period in our Church year when we prepare for the greatest feast day of Easter. The preferred penances of the Church are prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

Through this season, we will all be doing some penance as hatred against sin. We have Lenten material that you can pick up at the Churches to help us in our prayer and meditations. I want to thank you for taking one of the evenings for the Stations of the Cross. This particular devotion has helped generations of people as they try to carry their own crosses. We also have adult faith formation being offered. Perhaps you could join in. They are all listed in the bulletin.

As this is the year of mercy, it might be a good idea to meditate and work at the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.

Thank you again for all that you do for the Church and the wider community, you and your work are much appreciated. Have a blessed Lent.

Your Chaplain,

Fr. Dick Bester

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