Dear Brother Knights,
As we look out the window and the January snows, we know that winter has arrived. I trust everyone had a good Christmas season with families and friends. We have now entered the season of Ordinary Time in our liturgical year. During Ordinary Time, the Church celebrates the fullness of the mystery of the Lord Jesus.
On the first day of the week, the Lord’s Day, God assembles the beloved people to hear the Word, to reflect upon it, to offer the living sacrifice of praise, and to eat and drink the banquet of the Lord. Then God sends us forth to proclaim this love by our words and actions.
Sunday is the original Christian Feast Day, following the tradition handed down from apostolic times, for this was the day of the Lord’s resurrection. Today, our Christian community, along with other Christian communities continue, this tradition by celebrating every Sunday as the day of the risen Lord.
I would like to remind everyone of the upcoming evening on February 17, on Physician Assisted Suicide from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in St. Joseph’s Church Hall. I hope as many as possible will attend this evening.
As we enter into the New Year, may it be filled with many blessings for you and your families. Thank you for all that you do for the Church and the wider community.
Your Chaplain,
Fr. Dick Bester