Monthly Archives: December 2015

Message from your Chaplain

Dear Brother Knights,

By the time that your receive this bulletin, we will be in the Christmas season.  This is one of the greatest feast days in our liturgical years.  The Christmas season celebrates the birth of the Lord Jesus, and the ways he manifested the presence of God among us.  For the Church, only the Easter celebration of the Lord’s death and rising is more important than the Christmas season.  The statutes that you will see in the nativity scenes which are set up everywhere at this time of year, are figures of hope for a world that desperately needs hope.  I believe that we are all drawn to this scene because at this scene, we find peace, hope and love.  This can get lost in the hustle and bustle that is part of our North American Christmas.

The sanctuaries in our Churches will be decorated not only with the Nativity scene but also with flowers and other articles from our culture.  The Christmas season ends with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.  Please think on this.  When the song of the angel is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flocks, when all of this is gone, the work of Christmas begins—to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoners, to rebuild the nations, to bring peace among us, to make music in our hearts.  This is the challenge of Christmas.

I want to thank you for all that you do in our Church and in our wider community.  May you and your families have a Merry Christmas and receive many blessings in the New Year.

Your Chaplain,

Fr. Dick Bester

Grand Knight’s Message

Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

The spirit of Christmas is always evident in the good works of the people in our council. I want to express my thanks to you brothers & your families for all the charitable works done this past year. We have been able to support local charities to the amount of just over $ 33,950. At this most holy time of the year, Donna and myself wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Sick and Shut-ins

Our prayers are requested for the following Knights who are either sick or shut in:

Brothers Gary Birmingham,  Clarence White,  Father Richard Tremblay,  Harry Thomas,  Eugene Hagen, Ernie Walsh, Al Grant,  Marco Eusebi, Adrian Theijsmeijer, Ron Bourque, Dave Murtha, Bob Skinner, and Jim Kelly.

Also for Theresa Kelly, Debbie Mahood, Fran Culliton, Shirley Reeve, Anne Ryan-Murphy, Henrika Van Beek,  Abigail Gregory-Mooney, and Betty Dubrick.


Another night of good fun, a roast beef dinner served up by Tony’s kitchen  famous crew, and even a profit of $752. Joe Lorentz did it again on Friday November 13 with loads of help from spouse Rosemary, Frank & Barb Krauskoff, and Frank & Mary Nyenhuis.

Message from Vocations Director

Dear brother Knights,

Advent blessings to all of you!  It is with great joy that I begin my regular column in your newsletter, bringing a special focus on how we, as Knights, can promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life.  This past year, a “Vocations Handbook” was published by  Supreme Council, (, encouraging us once again to be promoters of God’s call, in the lives of our young people.  I would invite you to use this handbook in your council, as it offers some great advice and ideas for promoting vocations as brother Knights.

The time of Advent is now upon us.  Each year, the season of Advent, in a very discreet way, reminds us of the person of St. Joseph.  St. Joseph is a great example for us Knights, and also shows us how to foster God’s call in the lives of our children, grandchildren and parish families. 

St. Joseph is noted for having a deep sense of sacrifice and obedience to God’s will.  St. Joseph had to set aside his own plans and desires, over and over again, so that God’s plans could be realized, and that Jesus, our Saviour, would be able to respond to His Father’s plan of salvation. 

Joseph had to leave his carpenter’s trade in Nazareth, for a time, and head to Bethlehem, and then to Egypt, because of bad government decisions.  He then returns and lives out his life hidden from the public eye, but ensuring that the Christ-child has all that He needs for growth in faith and love.  So often, young men are deterred from considering a call to the priesthood, because their fathers, or mothers, may have other plans and desires for them.  If we are ever tempted with such thoughts, let us turn to St. Joseph and ask for his intercession, so that we too may have the same spirit of sacrificial love, so that Christ may continue to be born upon our altars at each and every Mass, through the hands of a Catholic priest.

With my prayers,

Fr. Patrick Beneteau

Director of Vocations and Seminarians

Diocese of London

Notice of Dues

BROTHERS, the following notice is a reminder that 2016 is quickly coming upon us. This will mark the start of a new fraternal year.

Please help our council fulfill its financial obligations by submitting your 2016 dues as soon as possible.



An Honorary member is one who is 65 old and has 25 years continuous service. Dues are forgiven for an Honorary Life Member, that is, a member one who is 70 years old and has 25 years of continuous service

Fraternally yours

Tony Vigar (519) 271-0797

Financial Secretary

Please make cheque payable to…..



91 Earl Street., Stratford ON N5A 6G4

Charity Lottery

It is with considerable disappointment that Br. Jim announces that the State Charity Lottery tickets will not be available until January. Many of you use these tickets as ‘stocking stuffers’  and we are missing a glorious chance to sell at the Mall. It’s out of our hands Brothers.

Charitable Welfare Trust

As we approach the end of the calendar year we would like to remind everyone that should anyone wish to make a charitable donation & receive a charitable tax receipt, your donation would be greatly appreciated. Make cheque payable to “Kilroy Council No 1431 Charitable Welfare Trust” and mail or deliver to John Saman 29 Sutter St. Stratford, Ontario N4Z 1G7 before December 29th, so that the donation will show in our records for 2015.

You can also contribute to the Welfare Trust account by stipulating that any memorial donations made at the funeral home, in memory of friends & relatives, be made in favour of “Kilroy Council No 1431 Charitable Welfare Trust” and the funeral home will accommodate your request, after which we will issue you your charitable tax receipt.

Thanks to all who have contributed to the Charitable Welfare Trust account over the past years.

Coming Events

Friday December 25 Celebration of the Birth of Jesus Christ, Christmas Day

Thursday December 31 New Year’s Gala  Pot Luck & Euchre 6:00 pm

Friday January 1 Feast of the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Monday January 4 Council meeting 7:30

Monday January 11, Knights Inc. 7:00 pm; Council Exec 7:45 pm

Tuesday January 12 Basketball Free Throw Competition, St. Michael C.S.S. 6:00 pm

Sunday January 31 Members Appreciation Dinner, members(free) and spouses ($10)  5:00 pm                       

Tuesday February 9 Shrove Tuesday

Monday February 15, Boston Pizza Night $20 5:30-7:00 pm