Dear Brother Knights,
I want to thank all the Brothers who have agreed to form our Council Executive for the upcoming term of which I have the honour to be The Grand Knight.
I also want to remind brothers that it is all of you in our council that make us who we are and what we are about by the events that we organize and participate in, such as the barbequing that we provided at the “Relay For Life”.
I also want to point out that we financially support many charities throughout the year (annually $20,000 to $25,000). I know many members are busy with work & family commitments, but please try to set aside some time to help out. To those brothers whose health does not allow this, I thank them for their past services. We are always looking for new ideas to assist our council in raising charitable money, like our new Boston Pizza night fundraiser. Any ideas are worth consideration. An old fundraiser “Share The Wealth” monthly draw profits for this year are down to less the $2,500. The expense to run this draw is $14,500 to $15,000 per year. It is getting to the position that the risk is too great to continue. A decision on whether to run another Share the Wealth will be made shortly.
Expenses at the State level never go down and there is constant pressure to increase dues. Considerable savings can be achieved if members agree to allow State to use their e-mail address to send out correspondence vs mailing to over 50,000 members. Tony Vigar sent out an e-mail to brothers requesting their approval. Your address will not be given out to anyone by the board. If you have not yet responded I urge you to do so.
We will not have a Council Meeting in July only an Executive Meeting on July 6th at 7:45PM when we will make our monthly share the wealth draw.
Your Grand Knight
John J. Price