Monthly Archives: April 2015

Euchre and Beef Dinner March 13


Thanks to

Chief organizer and team Captain Joe Lorentz and helpers Frank & Mary Nyenhuis, Frank & Barb Krauskopf, Dave Wilby, Tony vigar, John Walsh,

Larry McCabe, Jim Miron, Fred Dubrick, Lorne Johnson, John Saman and John Price. Another successful euchre and beef dinner meal that raised $787 this year.

State Charity Lottery Tickets


$5.00 a ticket

A Total Of 1000 Prizes

(1) 2015 Ford Mustang Convertible

9 cash prizes: (1) $250,000, (1) $100,000, (2) $25,000, (5) $10,000

61.5 books of tickets were sold at the mall. Great job by sellers:

Dave & Joan Franks, Tom & Louise Gould, Henry & Mary Sterkenburg, Jim & Elvira Gaylor, Frank & Catherine Flood, Gerry Culligan, Ed Chaput, Harry Visser, Bernie Van Herk, John Saman, Shawn Raiman, Bill Mullin, Jim Miron, Jim Hurley, Mike Dunn, Fred Dubrick, Tony Hunter, Frank Nyenhuis, Larry McCabe, Joe Lynett, Dave Nickel, Paul Zybura

Notice Of General Meeting Of Shareholders


Stratford Knights Incorporated

Notice Of General Meeting Of Shareholders

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of Stratford Knights Inc. will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall 93 Morgan Street, Stratford Ontario the 1st. of June, 2015 at the hour of approximately 9:00 p.m. for the following purposes.

1- To receive and consider the financial report of the corporation as of December 31, 2014.

2- To elect the Directors of the Corporation

3- To appoint the Auditors for the Corporation for 2015

4- To consider, if approved to ratify and confirm all by-laws, resolutions, contract, acts and proceedings of the Board of Directors of the Corporation enacted, made, done or taken since the last annual meeting of the shareholders.

5- To enact such further business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournments thereof.

TAKE NOTICE that the Grand Knight and the Deputy Grand Knight will no longer be appointed as ex officio without the necessity of election. This will comply with a direction from Canada Revenue.

At this Annual Meeting, there are to be nominations for six (6) members to the Board of Directors who are to hold office for a two (2) year term. Each nominee to the Board of Directors must be a member of the Corporation in good standing of Council 1431, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. Each member shall be nominated in writing by a member of the Corporation in good standing and such nomination shall be filed with the Secretary of the Corporation or, in the absence, an officer of the Corporation not less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the time of the meeting. Each nominee to the Board of Directors must signify his intention, in writing, to so stand by 9:00 p.m. on the 1st. of June, 2015, or he shall not be eligible for election to the Board of Directors.

Directors who still have one year remaining to serve on the present Board of Directors are:

Jim Miron, Fred Dubrick, Joe Lorentz, John Saman, Lorne Twamley

Directors who have completed their term of office and are eligible for re-election are:

Dave Wilby, Tony Vigar, Harry Visser, Frank Flood, John Walsh, John Price

Stratford Knights Inc.

Frank Flood – President

94 McCarthy Rd Apt 4

Stratford, Ontario N5A 7K8

Charity Welfare Trust


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of Kilroy Council 1431 Charitable Welfare Trust will be at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 93 Morgan Street, Stratford Ontario during the regular Council meeting on May 4, 2015 at 7:30 pm.

We remind everyone that we can issue a taxable receipt for any donation which is deposited to the Welfare Trust Account. When making an In Memoriam donation at the funeral home, please consider the Charitable Welfare Trust. Donations made by cheque are to be payable to “Kilroy Council 1431 Charitable Welfare Trust”.

Coming Events


Saturday April 18 Garage Sale St. Mikes for Shelterlink

Monday April 20, Boston Pizza Night: $20 per person 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Friday April 24, 4th Degree Euchre Night

Monday May 4, Council meeting 7:30

Sunday May 10, Rose Sunday

Monday May 11, Knights Inc. 7:00 p.m., Knights Executive 7:45 p.m.

Friday May 22, 4th degree euchre

Sunday May 24, Confirmation, St. Joseph’s Church, 2:00 p.m.

Monday June 1, Council meeting 7:30 p.m.

Thursday June 4 Knights BBQ 6:00 p.m. our hall

Friday June 5, Relay for Life

Monday June 8, Knights Inc. 7:00 p.m. Knights Executive 7:45 p.m.

Sunday June 14, Walk-a-Thon for St. Joseph’s Church restoration

Faithful Navigator’s Message


I hope everyone had a good Easter weekend. I just got back from a work trip late Holy Thursday evening so I grateful to be home with my family. Now it’s back to work.

Please note that there is no dinner meeting in April, just a business meeting on the 27th. In last month’s bulletin I mentioned that the meeting was cancelled; this was a typo on my part. Council has a fundraiser dinner on April 20th at Boston Pizza, please try to attend if you can.

Exemplification is soon upon us. We have some good men who are considering their opportunity to join the 4th. Please take the time to encourage them in their decision, and make them feel welcome.

Candidates are welcome to be our guests at the May Communion Breakfast.

Registration for spouses and guests is available on line on the District website:


SK Jeff Smith

Website Changes

After much frustration, I managed to move the website over to the new host. The site is a little slower to load but otherwise it runs well now. I guess it’s sign of old age even for computer guys when you can’t remember how to do things that you regularly did just a few years ago!

If you can not get on the website ( for more than a couple of days please email me (



Date is May 23rd in Pain Court, near Chatham.

All members are asked to recruit new candidates from the Third Degree.

Any potential Third Degree members who want to talk about joining the Fourth Degree are welcome to come to the March Dinner or the May Communion Breakfast.

Final date for submitting registration for the Exemplification is May 8th.

Information for the upcoming Exemplification, and other District events can be found at:

As well as on our own website:

I have submitted our advertisement for the program, along with the names for the Memorial page.

Several of the members’ wives are working on the Theme Basket for the host Assembly’s fundraiser.