Message from your Chaplain


Dear Brother Knights,

By the time that you receive this bulletin we should be close to the Easter Season or in it. So I wish all of you and your families a Happy Easter.

Easter does matter. It is a declaration of God’s love for us—the same love that created the world and sustains it. God’s love is more powerful than death. Christ’s resurrection shatters the bonds of death, and death is not the final word. Over the last few days, we have seen winter begin to give way to spring. With the lengthening days, and moderating and warming temperatures, I think that we can make the natural connection between the coming of Spring and Easter and Resurrection. There are signs of new life all around us. Jesus’ resurrection is not just about him but about all of us.

We, too, will be resurrected. And surely this is something to give us hope. The belief in Resurrection, which is the central doctrine of our faith, gives us the courage to face those trials that each of us must face. These might be likened to the Good Fridays in our lives. Our belief tells us that after death comes new life. Easter Sunday, then, is about Resurrection.

I want to thank all the Knights for all the work that you do for our Church and wider community. At this time, I wish you, again, a Happy Easter. Let us rejoice that Christ is risen.

Father Dick


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