Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:
The church celebrates All Saints Day Nov 1st & All Souls Day Nov 2nd.
On November 2nd there will be a Memorial Service in which Our Parish Cluster provides us a place and time to remember our loved ones that have gone to their eternal home, and use this as a time of comfort. The Service will be at Immaculate Conception Church 7p.m. I urge you to come out and support family & friends. This service encompasses The Knights of Columbus, The Catholic Women’s League from both Parishes and The Bereavement Ministry Committee.
In last month’s bulletin I mentioned that we were looking at making some changes for our council meetings. At the October Council Meeting it was agreed to start the meetings at 7 PM. The attendance prize will be discontinued and those funds will be used for Fraternal Activities following
During the Ontario State Convention held in April this year Resolution # 11 was passed. (Resolution # 11 to Increase Per Capita by $3.00). We have discussed this at our executive meetings and have resolved to increase our dues to $ 45.00 effective Jan 1, 2017. Any member having already paid
$ 42.00 for their 2017 dues or do so by December 31, 2016 will be issued a membership card for the 2017 calendar year.
Our Membership Committee is actively working on holding a 1st Degree. If you know of any potential men that should be approached notify Mike Mooney or myself.
Once again we will be selling Christmas Hams, summer-sausage & pepperettes. More to follow.
The Knight’s Christmas Turkey Dinner & Social will be held on Friday
Dec. 9th. Some Brothers have inquired about getting a Knight’s Polo Shirt. Dave Nickel will hold the cost if he gets an order for at least 6 shirts. If interested contact me.
Your Grand Knight
John J. Price