Grand Knight’s Message


Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:

As I am writing this message we just celebrated Christ’s Ascension into Heaven, after completing his father’s will to save mankind by his death & resurrection.

We also celebrated Mother’s Day. On behalf of all our “Brothers” I want to thank all the Mothers who work tirelessly for our families. In conjunction with this, we held our Right to Life Drive. Thanks to the brothers that manned the “Rose Sunday Boxes” at the church doors. All proceeds are given to Stratford Right to Life.

I also want to again thank the Brothers that worked hard to make our Past Grand Knight’s Dinner & St. Joseph’s Restoration Fund a success.

Our Lord called his faithful servant Deacon Mark Stagg home. The work he did for our community, when his health permitted, was ever so much appreciated. Other Brothers also lost loved ones. Know that our thoughts and prayers are for you & your family at this most stressful time.

For Brothers and family members with health issues we offer daily prayers that you find solace and comfort through our lord.

Grand Knight

John J. Price

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