Dear Brother Knights & Ladies:
Ordinary Time is coming to a close. The Lenten Season begins on Ash Wednesday March 1. Let us use this time to reflect on our spiritual life as we grow in our faith. Each Friday during lent our parish cluster has the Station of the Cross Prayer Service where we come together and pray remembering Christ’s Suffering for our sins. The Knights will lead the Prayer Service on Friday March 10th.
As a prelude to lent we are having another Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at our hall from 4:30 until 7 PM. Come out enjoy the comradery and support this fundraiser.
Our Basketball Free Throw Council Level was well attended despite having to be rescheduled due to weather. Thanks to Br. Lorne Twamley for chairing this event and arranging sponsorship for the refreshments. Winners will now advance to the District Competition.
At our Community Kitchen we severed over 100 people.
Our Appreciation Dinner was enjoyed by all those who attended.
Our Boston Pizza Night had a less than anticipated turnout, however a $ 570 profit was realized.
Tickets are now on sale for our Spring Roast Beef Dinner & Euchre Party to be held on Friday March 17th at the hall. Cost for a great evening is $16.00. The Dinner starts at 6:30 PM
Any Brother that hasn’t taken their 2nd or 3rd degree has any opportunity to receive both on Sunday March 12, 2017 in Hanover. Transportation will be provided, however names must be submitted by March 05, 2017. For Additional information contact Ken Gaffney.
Finally I want to acknowledge the efforts of the Brothers & family members that delivered the phone books and to Paul Gras for allowing us to store them at his place as the hall could not handle the volume. These efforts raised over $ 3000.
Your Grand Knight
John J. Price