

I have no idea how to start this however i will start it by saying this Welcome to my website page Kon'nichiwa ( ^ _^)/"

I have a blog or blogs up on this site Click Here where i talk about numberus things from anime to games to in-game mechanics or even gaming companies which is the lastest that i wrote as this moment. I even created a facebook Here which is kinda the same thing but having more feedback from other individuals about what that think form certain topics on facbook and amybe grow into a fan site.

Now What My Site Is About

Well it's about me, some things is like and done or planing to do and so on. I really want to work in the gaming industry mostly working behind the scenes like designing games or coding them or drawing creatures and environments. I also wanna try out being a voice actor to see how that goes and I have always been fasinated by how video games are made even to this day and now i'm here in Canada learning how to do it and hopfully i can soon start making them and maybe one day have my own gaming company WOOOT WOOOOOOOOTT!! m(=^.^=)m meow~