
I will have the player start off in the outskirts where he/she is hunting and will learn how the movement system and basic attacks work. Once the player has completed some hunting, he will head back to the village to see it in flames. Upon coming home there will be lesser demons killing all the humans he arrives to see that his dad has been slain, in which awaking are hero’s demonic powers and slaying the demons around his home. The hero walks into the temple to don his dads’ armor and swords. Once he comes out with the items equipped, he will be surrounded by weak demons this were we teach the player how his combat system works.

Great demons are strong and require you to find its weak points to deal damage and kill it. Lesser demons are like fodder they are there for the player to learn how to use advanced combos and attack skills. Ancestor suit has 6 sockets that gems can go in, but they have been scattered all over the land, it’s up to the player to find them it’s the only way to get the power to fight the demon lord. The demon lord has a lot of influence can make villages that are under control his control attacks you it’s up to you to liberate these villages weakening the influence the demon lord has. There are 4 strongholds each ruled by one of the demon lords’ horsemen.

Every time a demon is slain experience points are gained you, need to get to certain levels before you can challenge a stronghold. Greater demons drop item equips that make your gear stronger. The 4 horsemen are demons of immense power and when you beat one you gain one of your new super skills. When you free a village from the demon lords influence you gain a new companion that is used to help depending on the village you saved. Once you get the 6 gems you will get your full demon mode unlocked.