
Using Unreal Engine, I built level 3 and level 4 of the game. I learned just how precise you have to be when placing stuff like decorations down all it takes is just one wrong number in the coordinates and it will cause all the AI to pile up or the player can get stuck on stuff and not be able to move. I was able to make two fun levels the player will have, and I had fun making them and can't wait to make a game with even more levels. I also put the time to seek out assets that made the game just look visually better.

I worked on the AI enemy's tank and slow chaser. I learned a lot about AI and just how amazing they can be once I get more Experience; I plan on making good bosses for the future. the AI I have made so far are templates that I wish to make the blueprints even cleaner and better. This project has helped me learn more about Unreal Engine and just how amazing it can be with the time given. I was able to make a game that has enemys chase you and try and kill you.

I made the title screen and got the music for it I also made the health and plasma bar style with the help of sprites. I made the title name gradient. this project has helped me learn more about adobe and how it can be handy in making good title screens and H.U.D's and U.I's I will continue to practice making H.U.D's and U.I's since it is something that the player first sees when first launching the game for the first time.