
The Nostradamus of UNIX


Seriously, this book predicted how UNIX would evolve to a tee.

The UNIX way


It's the best way.

Are you a Mac or a PC?


This question dates back to the early 1990s. Yes, you can like both Apple Macs and Windows PCs, but there must be one that you like a bit more than the other, and the answer is widely considered a reflection on your personality.



Linux is starting to be EVERYWHERE. And that's a good thing.

Netscape RIP 1994-2008


You will be missed. Maybe.

History of game consoles


This post is all about the game consoles we know and love....and their CPUs!

The end of 2007


Lot's of things have happened this year in the tech world - let's recap them!

The Amazon Kindle: Friend or foe?


It's cool, but is the DRM worth it?

Anniversary of the World Wide Web


We've come a long way, baby!

Thank you, Apple


This is exactly what an upgrade is supposed to be.