video games

How to properly pronounce Galaga


Have you been pronouncing it the right way all these years?

Guide to buying old arcade games


If you want to play a video game the size of a refrigerator, then heed my advice!

How our video games evolved over time


The way we've played video games has changed dramatically over the past 40 years.

2011 in review


This has been one heck of a year, that’s for sure! So, I’ll spend this post reflecting on some of the key events that have happened to me personally, within the tech industry, and around the world in general (with my cheeky perspectives of course).

How I threw my back out playing Angry Birds


Yes, it happened. So what if I'm weak...

Atari 2600 deep dive


This console was a legend back in the day...

History of game consoles


This post is all about the game consoles we know and love....and their CPUs!

3. Arcade Games


Yes, I play video games the size of a refrigerator! I also collect and restore arcade games too. Click here to learn more.

3. Personal Interests


If you want to know more about who I am and what I like.

Video Game Books


A list of books I recommend related to video games and the video game industry.