
10 years of


The nerdiest sysadmin web comic on the Internet.

Happy Epoch Day!



War Games shell scripting fun


If you have to ask why, then you haven't seen the movie...

The Nostradamus of UNIX


Seriously, this book predicted how UNIX would evolve to a tee.

The UNIX way


It's the best way.



Linux is starting to be EVERYWHERE. And that's a good thing.

The end of 2007


Lot's of things have happened this year in the tech world - let's recap them!

Ontario Linux Fest


Yesterday, I went to the Ontario Linux Fest. This is how it went down.

More about Open Source Software and Linux


Want to know more about open source and Linux? Read this post.

The wicked witch is dead


SCO - the company that tried to sue Linux - is dead.