
The history of IT certification


Have you ever wondered where IT certification began? Well, you're in luck...

Windows and macOS could move to Linux


Bold assumptions, yes. But hear me out...

The Linux operating system turns 25 years old today


Linux was created during the same month Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web. Coincidence? I think not.

Breathe new life into an old PowerBook G4 using Linux


The latest Linux PPC distributions run MUCH faster on it!

Microsoft ReFS vs Oracle ZFS - FIGHT!


Last night, I gave a presentation at WWITPRO (Waterloo Wellington IT Professional Users Group) that demonstrated the differences between ReFS and ZFS. This blog summarizes the key details.

The rise and fall of DEC


In my previous post, I introduced DEC. Now let's talk about how DEC rose to fame and ultimately met its downfall in 1998.

All about DEC


Although they were never a household term, DEC was one of the best computer companies of all time. Specifically, we wouldn’t have the Internet, UNIX, or TCP/IP without them!

The Gospel of Tux v1.0


This has been floating around the Internet for some time now, but I’ve just recently heard of it. I laughed so hard I just had to re-post it here.

Funny Internet Shakespeare typo


While writing the third edition of my Linux book, my copyeditor found a typo. And it's hilarious.

The Amazon Kindle ROCKS!


It really is a great device. Read this post to find out why.