
FreeBSD UNIX for Linux sysadmins


If you’ve ever installed and explored another Linux distro, then exploring FreeBSD is going be familiar with a few key differences. In this blog post, I’ll run through those differences, as well as the reasons to use FreeBSD over Linux for certain tasks.

How to learn vi (vim)


vi (vim) is arguably the best text editor ever made. You should master it if you haven't done so already. To do that, start by reading this post.

What Nokia tells us about the Internet in 2008


Digging up this early mobile Internet tablet and the Nokia promotional video that it shipped with uncovers how we viewed the Internet in 2008.

The different faces of open source software


Because there are many different types of open source software licenses available, not all open source software is the same. And knowing the differences between licenses is key in the open source world.

The Dark Side of GNU


Sorry GNU, it's just called Linux.

How ricing shifted from cars to computers


How pimping your ride became ricing your Linux desktop.

Pop!_OS: The first real Linux desktop


We've finally got a desktop-centric Linux distribution that understands power user productivity needs!

Using the Windows Subsystem for Linux


Tonight I did a presentation on how to use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) now that it has matured somewhat. In this blog post, I’ll summarize the key parts of my presentation for anyone wishing to learn more about WSL!



This post will show you some SSH Kung Foo!

Ultimate UNIX timeline


Concise, accurate and best of all: UNIX.