Monthly Archives: April 2015

Faithful Navigator’s Message


This is our last bulletin before Holy Week begins. I trust that all of us will find the time to reflect on just what our faith means to us as well as how we reflect that faith in our daily lives.

I would never presume to try to explain the meaning of Lent to my brother Knights, who know their faith so much better than I, but instead let me wish you and your families peace and grace during this most solemn of times.

Exemplification is soon upon us. We have some good men who are considering their opportunity to join the 4th. Please take the time to encourage them in their decision, and make them feel welcome.

Candidates are welcome to be our guests at the March Dinner, as well as the May Communion Breakfast.

Registration for spouses and guests is available on line on the District website:


SK Jeff Smith

Website Changes

As I mentioned during the last meeting, I am currently negotiating with an organization in Kitchener to host our website from now on. When I built the website several years ago the costs were very small, but over the years our current host kept raising their fees until now it’s getting to be a bit much for me to handle. So I’m moving the website to another host who has much better rates.

The reason I mention this is because there will be some hiccups in the transfer process so the website may be down for a bit over the coming month.

If you can not get on the website ( for more than a couple of days please email me (



Date changed to May 23rd due to conflicts with a Squires event.

All members are asked to recruit new candidates from the Third Degree.

Any potential Third Degree members who want to talk about joining the Fourth Degree are welcome to come to the March Dinner or the May Communion Breakfast.

Final date for submitting registration for the Exemplification is May 8th.

Coming Events

March Dinner Meeting: March 23rd, Cocktails at 6:30, Dinner at 7:00.

April Dinner Meeting: CANCELLED due to Council event on the 20th.

May Communion Breakfast: May 3rd, beginning with 10:00 Mass.

May Dinner Meeting: May 25th, Cocktails at 6:30, Dinner at 7:00.

June BBQ Social: June 22nd, Cocktails at 6:30, Dinner at 7:00.